![]() Current Elysian Fields Logo | |
Type of site | Forum |
Available in | English |
Founder(s) | Tabula Rasa |
Subject | Whitepill |
Launched | 24 February 2024 |
URLs | https://elysianfields.se/ |
Current status | Active |
Elysian Fields is a male-only discussion centered around the topic of the Whitepill.
Forum Structure
Elysian Fields is a Xenforo-based forum, made up of 8 publicly available forums, 2 subforums and 4 private forums.
Title | Category | Description | Availability |
News & Announcements | Information | Forum news & updates | Publicly available. Only staff members can create threads. Registered members can reply to unlocked threads. |
Olympus | General | Elysian Fields' high-effort threads, immortalised. | Publicly available. Registered members can only reply to threads. Threads in the forum are curated by staff. |
Elysium | General | Relax and hang out here. General discussion and conversation about any topic. | Private to guests. Registered members can create and reply to threads. |
Tartarus | General | Forum for low-effort posting and miscellaneous content. | Private to guests. Registered members can create and reply to threads. |
Whitepill Discussion | Whitepill | Discuss and theorise about different aspects of the Whitepill. Talk about your own experience with the Whitepill. | Publicly available. Registered members can create and reply to threads. |
/hai/ - Hobbies, Activities & Interests | Whitepill | Talk about and share your own hobbies, activities and interests. | Publicly available. Registered members can create and reply to threads. |
Book Club (Subforum of /hai/ - Hobbies, Activities & Interests) | Whitepill | Share and discuss the books and literature you have been reading. Suggest recommendations for other users on the forum. | Publicly available. Registered members can create and reply to threads. |
Art Club (Subforum of /hai/ - Hobbies, Activities & Interests) | Whitepill | Share your finished art pieces or work in progresses. Ask others for feedback and critiques. | Publicly available. Registered members can create and reply to threads. |
/l/ - Lifestyle | Whitepill | Share your own experiences and discuss alternative and unconventional lifestyles. | Publicly available. Registered members can create and reply to threads. |
/amv/ - Anime, Music & Videogames | Whitepill | Board for discussing anime, music and videogames. Feel free to also talk about other media and aspects of pop culture. | Publicly available. Registered members can create and reply to threads. |
/rps/ - Religion, Philosophy & Spirituality | Whitepill | Discuss different aspects of religion, philosophy and spirituality. Share and talk about your own personal experiences. | Publicly available. Registered members can create and reply to threads. |
/srs/ - Sexual and Romantic Strategy & Success | Whitepill | Discuss alternative strategies to pursue sexual and romantic fulfilment. | Publicly available. Registered members can create and reply to threads. |
Ban Appeals | Meta | Appeal requests for banned members. | Invisible to guests. Only banned members and staff can create and reply to threads. |
Feedback & Suggestions | Meta | Provide feedback and suggestions on any changes and additions you would like to see to the forum. | Invisible to guests. Registered members can create and reply to threads. |