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Elysian Fields

From Whitepill Wiki
Elysian Fields
Current Elysian Fields Logo
Type of site Forum
Available in English
Founder(s) Tabula Rasa
Subject Whitepill
Launched 24 February 2024
Current status Active

Elysian Fields is a male-only discussion centered around the topic of the Whitepill.




Forum Structure

Elysian Fields is a Xenforo-based forum, made up of 8 publicly available forums, 2 subforums and 4 private forums.

Elysian Fields
Title Category Description Availability
News & Announcements Information Forum news & updates Publicly available. Only staff members can create threads. Registered members can reply to unlocked threads.
Olympus General Elysian Fields' high-effort threads, immortalised. Publicly available. Registered members can only reply to threads. Threads in the forum are curated by staff.
Elysium General Relax and hang out here. General discussion and conversation about any topic. Private to guests. Registered members can create and reply to threads.
Tartarus General Forum for low-effort posting and miscellaneous content. Private to guests. Registered members can create and reply to threads.
Whitepill Discussion Whitepill Discuss and theorise about different aspects of the Whitepill. Talk about your own experience with the Whitepill. Publicly available. Registered members can create and reply to threads.
/hai/ - Hobbies, Activities & Interests Whitepill Talk about and share your own hobbies, activities and interests. Publicly available. Registered members can create and reply to threads.
Book Club (Subforum of /hai/ - Hobbies, Activities & Interests) Whitepill Share and discuss the books and literature you have been reading. Suggest recommendations for other users on the forum. Publicly available. Registered members can create and reply to threads.
Art Club (Subforum of /hai/ - Hobbies, Activities & Interests) Whitepill Share your finished art pieces or work in progresses. Ask others for feedback and critiques. Publicly available. Registered members can create and reply to threads.
/l/ - Lifestyle Whitepill Share your own experiences and discuss alternative and unconventional lifestyles. Publicly available. Registered members can create and reply to threads.
/amv/ - Anime, Music & Videogames Whitepill Board for discussing anime, music and videogames. Feel free to also talk about other media and aspects of pop culture. Publicly available. Registered members can create and reply to threads.
/rps/ - Religion, Philosophy & Spirituality Whitepill Discuss different aspects of religion, philosophy and spirituality. Share and talk about your own personal experiences. Publicly available. Registered members can create and reply to threads.
/srs/ - Sexual and Romantic Strategy & Success Whitepill Discuss alternative strategies to pursue sexual and romantic fulfilment. Publicly available. Registered members can create and reply to threads.
Ban Appeals Meta Appeal requests for banned members. Invisible to guests. Only banned members and staff can create and reply to threads.
Feedback & Suggestions Meta Provide feedback and suggestions on any changes and additions you would like to see to the forum. Invisible to guests. Registered members can create and reply to threads.