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Peet Neet

7zyzz died in turkey eh

U need money-status for concubines

I'm thinking I climb the window into the imperial harem and fuck the sultans concubines, sneak link at night, talk to her about how much I wished we could be together forever then one day disappear forever

Aladdin style but minus the Disney ending
Yeah I like the sneaky-link thing

As i said the wishiwaschico braggodocio thing is cheesy to me

@PointOfNoReturn said something similar. The looksmax bragging thing js seeking worship from men basically. He kinda sees it beneath him

Sneaky link is cool though like Aladdin. I kinda like anti status moreso

Being able to slay as an autistic yugioh duelist


Group owner
Yeah I like the sneaky-link thing

As i said the wishiwaschico braggodocio thing is cheesy to me

@PointOfNoReturn said something similar. The looksmax bragging thing js seeking worship from men basically. He kinda sees it beneath him

Sneaky link is cool though like Aladdin. I kinda like anti status moreso

Being able to slay as an autistic yugioh duelist
The message I like from looksmax is the inversion of morality. Nothing you do matters and it's all about looks is a good thing.

You don't want to be bragging to your cube-mates about how little sleep you got.
You don't want to be bragging to your co-rackers about how much you lift and how autistic your diet is while having noodle arms
You don't want to be putting in the work

It's not actually all effortless, of course, but it should be hidden.
deny, deny, deny, downplay, misdirect.

No, I didn't get any surgery.
hahaha? you like my muscles. Yeah, swimming does that to the biceps.
How am i so rich? I'm blessed. Huh. i never really thought about how most people don't have Milanese chocolate fountains

40 laws of power (meme but interesting nonetheless) talked about this.

it should all be effortless. And it does promote a more carefree, chill, relaxed lifestyle. Although its symptomatic of a degraded culture, where to a large extent the opportunities have dried up and it's going back to the aristocratic model.

You don't want people knowing you got bad bitches. You don't want you (very handsome) mug in the newspapers for winning the lottery.

Later is obvious to even the densest normie although the temptation might be too great. Former is simple. What is the net effect of someone knowing you got a hot girl? The positives and the negatives are all from inspiring jealousy. If you need to play stupid games to get positive social reception (preselection, whatever) don't go outside.

you friends will try to bag you girl. a nightmare scenario that looksmaxxers don't talk about is if your family takes to your girlfriend a little too much.

if you think betabux sexless marriage is bad what about when they like you girl friend more than like you? ive heard of niggas getting kicked out of their own family so they can have the "daughter they never had" come over for christmas instead.

multiordinal cucking. cucking on more than one level - you mom talks to you ex GF about her new boy friend. OFC this is masked with some moral superstructure. which might be and might not be legitamate as a side effect.
The message I like from looksmax is the inversion of morality. Nothing you do matters and it's all about looks is a good thing.

You don't want to be bragging to your cube-mates about how little sleep you got.
You don't want to be bragging to your co-rackers about how much you lift and how autistic your diet is while having noodle arms
You don't want to be putting in the work

It's not actually all effortless, of course, but it should be hidden.
deny, deny, deny, downplay, misdirect.

No, I didn't get any surgery.
hahaha? you like my muscles. Yeah, swimming does that to the biceps.
How am i so rich? I'm blessed. Huh. i never really thought about how most people don't have Milanese chocolate fountains

40 laws of power (meme but interesting nonetheless) talked about this.

it should all be effortless. And it does promote a more carefree, chill, relaxed lifestyle. Although its symptomatic of a degraded culture, where to a large extent the opportunities have dried up and it's going back to the aristocratic model.

You don't want people knowing you got bad bitches. You don't want you (very handsome) mug in the newspapers for winning the lottery.

Later is obvious to even the densest normie although the temptation might be too great. Former is simple. What is the net effect of someone knowing you got a hot girl? The positives and the negatives are all from inspiring jealousy. If you need to play stupid games to get positive social reception (preselection, whatever) don't go outside.

you friends will try to bag you girl. a nightmare scenario that looksmaxxers don't talk about is if your family takes to your girlfriend a little too much.

if you think betabux sexless marriage is bad what about when they like you girl friend more than like you? ive heard of niggas getting kicked out of their own family so they can have the "daughter they never had" come over for christmas instead.

multiordinal cucking. cucking on more than one level - you mom talks to you ex GF about her new boy friend. OFC this is masked with some moral superstructure. which might be and might not be legitamate as a side effect.
They had a line for theater. All good work should be hidden

Specifically improv. Improv is supposed to look effortless. How did they do that off the cuff? But the "work is hidden"

On that topic i was thinking of returning to my old city like the end of lord of the rings

Would have to be lms boost with/without some kind of trophy foid to get taken seriously

My acting friends were mostly Jamaican/west indies so the phenotype of foid matters. If shes non black id be chided as a traitor. Black its seen as "staying loyal" but then i run thr risk of being overshadowed like you say

For me ig it is the first and last. Victin of incel to trans pipeline, fueling a sort of victory lap

I'll give the ted talk for free though
Wrt to morality/looks

Hmm hard for me to make concrete moral claims besides saying only God judges fairly

I have subject feelings on this. Subjective moral outrage I can't justify

Example: moondust. He says I'm a "scumbag" because I "only like hot guys and defend females"

Subjectively I feel no particular sympathies for this moondust guy and his admittedly shitty situation

Not saying he deserves XYZ for committing the sin of lust and gooning to "white mommies" but subjectively he inspires 0 sympathy in me and I'm kinda revulsed by even digital interactions with the clown

Yes a subjective "Moral revulsion" at him filming foids or whatever

He says i only like @PointOfNoReturn because of his looks. Ponr had some "beef" with me but idc and he's overall cool in my book. He had a shitty childhood like mine

Subjectively if I saw ponr in a dennys I'd probably cover his tab as a show of goodwill

If it was moondust filming a foid I'd be likely to report him to the authorities or the girls boyfriend

Not like I hate them but subjective "moral feelings"


Group owner
if man is made in the image of god a lookist conclusion follows

i suspect the confused notion comes from the idea that looks are "shallow". Ie surface deep, not reflective of the whole. Like using cake-up

looks as an indicator for the nature of the underlying substance checks out.

Frankly, ugly faces, then ugly cities are the best supporting evidence for a fallen world. Everything else takes longer to show itself.

this loosely implies that i'm saying that PONR is better than Moondust because he looks better but the correlation is loose. Not a thought experiment. If you were in charge of personnel and you had to choose between two people, one who is very high in the factor most important to you, the other very low, it'd still depend on other factors.
Hypostasis is a good word

Even aging is a sign of our fallen world in my understanding

This is such a cool part of Christianity vs starve yourself in a monestary "spiritualism"

Ties into sensitivity thread

Moondust is oversensitive. Bald at 17 and overly emotional. My feeling is at his age he's a lost cause.

Ponr is oversensitive kind of but I guess he is literally robust and we managed to overcome the conflict

Oversensitive more accurately reflect the ills of the age id say

Hesitant to police tastes in foids but ponr basically likes big tits while moony is into cuck insanity. Same level of internet poisoning


Group owner
Methuselah lived for 969 years, so the arguement goes.

the argument for a 6000 year earth is most strongly supported by the mutation rate.

If you assume commonly cited rates of mutation and natural selection as the the only variables, as morganist-weismannists do, everyone dies after a few thousand years as inbred retard monsters.

you bring roman-era medicine in to treat todays people and everyone dies.

adaptive traits have more to do with "epigenetics" in quotes because it includes micro-psychic phenomena. Otherwise the early x-ray expierements would have produced races of super-corn and super-rats through increased natural selection.

still, this is part of the reason they get so mad when you mention that a figure called "bigfoot" might exist. Because then you open the floodgates toward evidence of giants or people who lived lifespans of hundreds of years.

starvation is interesting, something i'd like to become immune to before getting rid of the need for (((sleep))). They take it too far but the underlying idea is to become immune to the thoughts the stress hormones that hunger releases, in turn releases.

ideally you wouldn't feel bad persay after not eating for a week, just not able do tasks requiring too much glucose.

you don't need to starve and have you muscles waste away to do this tho


Group owner
being oversensitive has a straightforward treatment to treat it in scientology.

The first four exams you have to pass in order to become an auditor are Training Routines 0-4

TR-0, part 1 is to sit in a chair and face some, without getting awkard or feeling like jestering for a few hours. You flunk if you squirm

TR-0, part 2 is what treats oversensitivity. Your partner sits in a chair facing you. They get to say or do anything they want and you have to sit there and not react in any visible way to pass.

game strategy is to find the other persons trigger points and push 'em over and over

if someone has a oversensitivity about the word "nigger", for instance you yell NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER and if they open their mouth they fail. Repeat for howevermany weeks, maybe take a break and do other exercises until they can pass

you can't be an auditor if people's words can make you have an emotional reaction, because then your client sees it and adjusts their behavior. What freud was going for with the couch facing away from the chair setup