Egregores are man made spirits formed from the consciousness of multiple people. They are thoughts, ideas and concepts that have been empowered to the point that they become their own conscious entity. Egregores are very common and we've all been exposed to them and there influence. Egregores are capable of controlling people's minds and possessing them. They use people to carry out their will and perpetuate themselves.

The blackpill is one of these egregores. It has a name, a form :blackpill:, idols, mythology, and thousands of forum members for it to feed on and enact it's will through.
Those looks only anti NT blackpill dogmatists are under full control of the egregore. Many in this and other incel forums are enslaved by the blackpill egregore. Blackpill forums, discord servers and subreddits are it's body. The blackpill is a living, conscious thing. It has killed people. Every single forum member who has ever killed themselves has sacrificed themselves to the blackpill egregore. The egregore even displays it's desire to eat you with symbols:feelswhy::feelsrope:. Murderers like Alec Mannasian where and possibly still are in a state of full blown egregoric possession. The blackpill littereraly consumed everyone he killed. It fed up on them like a ravenous beast. The blackpill is literally a god to many of you.
Forum Regular
Feb 27, 2024
The blackpill and redpill did too much damage to socially marginalized communities. Because with it, groups of annoying people were created who bully other social outcasts.

The fundamentalism of the blackpill is based on the fact that genetics determine what the life of a male person will be like, it also determines the probabilities of success in the sexual market. On the other hand, redpill is based on the fact that personality, character and lifestyle determine what the life of a male person will be like, and also determines the probabilities of success in the sexual market.

As you can see, they are not two concepts that have to be antagonistic to each other. But people take them and classify them as one contrary to the other, and create the matrix of thesis against antithesis, to ostratize and harm other weaker people, because they are dogmatic cowards.

Those two concepts that I mentioned and that do not have to be antagonistic could belong to a healthier philosophy or concepts, but instead they are encapsulated in two harmful pills, one named blackpill and the other named redpill. Two shitty pills that hijack important truths only for their own benefit and to grow and gain power at the expense of the harm that other people suffer, and their fundamentalist believers will only take one for truth and the other for a lie, they will lose empathy and within communities originally Created for social outcasts, they will create their own hierarchies and bully social outcasts, in a cowardly way, because they always attack defenseless people.

All this shit is created to destroy social outcasts like incels, autists, etc... As if the fucking bullying they suffer in superficial society (school, work, university, public places, etc.) wasn't enough, such as difficulty socializing or finding a partner, now the social outcasts will have to deal with the fucking bullying they will suffer in the only spaces left where they could vent about their problems, because hierarchies of ''cool kids'' will now bully them too.
So far there's no one here