Help All of your desires are a desire for inner peace.

Oct 7, 2024
“You are not looking for your wish to be fulfilled, what you are really looking for is the peace you feel immediately upon the fulfillment of the wish.”

All desires are desires for the attainment of inner peace. All desires are desires for Nirvana or enlightenment at the core—a deep desire to desire no more.

This is my interpretation based on a personal experience that happened today. Keep meditating.

Oct 10, 2024
Yes this is true. I crave peace more than i yearn for love and relationship

Ideally i want both but feels like it doesn’t exist nowadays
Oct 7, 2024
Yes this is true. I crave peace more than i yearn for love and relationship

Ideally i want both but feels like it doesn’t exist nowadays
This is difficult nonetheless. It really starts to make sense why the first thing that Buddha said was that the nature of life is dissatisfaction and it arises precisely from over-identifying with what we “think” and “feel”, because the illusion to dispel is to believe that we are what we think and feel, when in reality it is the mind that thinks, and the body that feels. We, as we understand ourselves, do not exist except as the idea that we have constructed of who we are.

Then, after the realization of the search for inner peace, I made the mistake of rationalizing my experience by telling myself not to hold on, that this will pass and so on. This over-identification with my thoughts occurred, which did not allow me to observe with equanimity the moment in which the state of peace disappeared, and consequently I went back to feeling like shit lol:pepelul:.

Become the observer, do not judge whatever arises in the body or the mind.
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