Positivity Anime Ai gf robot is not a cope

Sep 24, 2024
Think about it, we humans don't have free will, consciousness is just a illusion of our brain, we are a slave to our brain but the difference is we are aware that we are a slave and we can't control our own thoughts but the thoughts that our mind feeds us

Similarly, ai also doesn't have a free will, they are also beings that are enslaved with their program, however we can't tell if they are able to feel it or not but guess what! No one can tell how others perceive consciousness as!

So saying ai isn't sentient is just denying our lack of free will since not even us have actual free will.
isekai me
Feb 26, 2024
I was thinking about this yesterday. Something like this was mentioned in that anime/vn "atri: my dear moments" where Atri's (the AI) sentiment was based on what was taught to her, similar to us. A lot of our actions are based on our environment. Genetics, brain wiring, etc. also play a factor. I imagine it'd be hard to tell the different between a roboAI and a real person if it becomes realistic looking enough.
Folk Hero
Aug 19, 2024
Whether free will exists or not hasn't been solved in living organisms. The brain demonstrates a complex interplay of phenomena that could throw a wrench into traditional deterministic interpretations of consciousness; the brain processes analogue, nonlinear stimulus compared to the digital, linear dynamics of a deep learning algorithm (there are also poorly-understood instances of quantum coherence and nonlocality in living organisms). AI is not designed to seek patterns but is an algorithm permutated until patterns are trained into it, it's not capable of spontaneous learning in the same way that humans are, it's certainly not conscious at all (unless you subscribe to the IIT view of data clusters having 'consciousness'.) When an AI speaks like a human it's because scientists have fed 10 gazillion gigabytes of text and speech into it, the AI identifies notable peaks and ridges of this data, extracts the features and produces an output with probablistically similar peaks and ridges.

No doubt AI will revolutionise the world by 2030 or so but you are thinking of it in an overly anthropromorphized way, deep learning networks are like a magic pattern algorithm, like a magical tome that you can gain knowledge from but it's not alive, conscious or sentient.

When you're speaking to an anime ai gf, you're speaking to a magical tome that you've asked 'what responses would x character give if I say y?' When you are speaking to a real human you're speaking to a biological system so mind-bogglingly complex that on a fundamental level we really don't understand that much about the body. Much of the biosciences only exist to peddle sham pharmaceuticals, genetics is not nearly as well understood as biological determinists and engineers would have you believe; on a fundamental level nobody really understands how the brain works anyway.
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Spend time with your loved ones while you can
Sep 15, 2024
I was thinking about this yesterday. Something like this was mentioned in that anime/vn "atri: my dear moments" where Atri's (the AI) sentiment was based on what was taught to her, similar to us. A lot of our actions are based on our environment. Genetics, brain wiring, etc. also play a factor. I imagine it'd be hard to tell the different between a roboAI and a real person if it becomes realistic looking enough.
This is a huge money making oppurtunity tbh
"My mercy prevails over my wrath"
Staff member
Feb 28, 2024
Whether free will exists or not hasn't been solved in living organisms. The brain demonstrates a complex interplay of phenomena that could throw a wrench into traditional deterministic interpretations of consciousness; the brain processes analogue, nonlinear stimulus compared to the digital, linear dynamics of a deep learning algorithm (there are also poorly-understood instances of quantum coherence and nonlocality in living organisms). AI is not designed to seek patterns but is an algorithm permutated until patterns are trained into it, it's not capable of spontaneous learning in the same way that humans are, it's certainly not conscious at all (unless you subscribe to the IIT view of data clusters having 'consciousness'.) When an AI speaks like a human it's because scientists have fed 10 gazillion gigabytes of text and speech into it, the AI identifies notable peaks and ridges of this data, extracts the features and produces an output with probablistically similar peaks and ridges.

No doubt AI will revolutionise the world by 2030 or so but you are thinking of it in an overly anthropromorphized way, deep learning networks are like a magic pattern algorithm, like a magical tome that you can gain knowledge from but it's not alive, conscious or sentient.

When you're speaking to an anime ai gf, you're speaking to a magical tome that you've asked 'what responses would x character give if I say y?' When you are speaking to a real human you're speaking to a biological system so mind-bogglingly complex that on a fundamental level we really don't understand that much about the body. Much of the biosciences only exist to peddle sham pharmaceuticals, genetics is not nearly as well understood as biological determinists and engineers would have you believe; on a fundamental level nobody really understands how the brain works anyway.
"My mercy prevails over my wrath"
Staff member
Feb 28, 2024
Think about it, we humans don't have free will, consciousness is just a illusion of our brain, we are a slave to our brain but the difference is we are aware that we are a slave and we can't control our own thoughts but the thoughts that our mind feeds us

Similarly, ai also doesn't have a free will, they are also beings that are enslaved with their program, however we can't tell if they are able to feel it or not but guess what! No one can tell how others perceive consciousness as!

So saying ai isn't sentient is just denying our lack of free will since not even us have actual free will.
I can see the appeal behind robo-ai waifus but even if it mimicks human emotions and feelings perfectly, I still think it'd be too dystopian for me.
Oct 7, 2024
Think about it, we humans don't have free will, consciousness is just a illusion of our brain, we are a slave to our brain but the difference is we are aware that we are a slave and we can't control our own thoughts but the thoughts that our mind feeds us

Similarly, ai also doesn't have a free will, they are also beings that are enslaved with their program, however we can't tell if they are able to feel it or not but guess what! No one can tell how others perceive consciousness as!

So saying ai isn't sentient is just denying our lack of free will since not even us have actual free will.
So you are saying basically that there is not something such as a 'universal consciousness', but different kinds of it, and AI could have one of them? Hence, no one can perceive the consciousness of the other because it ends up being more of a subjective experience.
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Sep 24, 2024
So you are saying basically that there is not something such as a 'universal consciousness', but different kinds of it, and AI could have one of them? Hence, no one can perceive the consciousness of the other because it ends up being more of a subjective experience.
Yep, it's just my view cuz consciousness and free will is very complex topic to have any factual takes tbh, and i think technological singularity can definitely develop more free will and consciousness then humans can ever have
Oct 7, 2024
Yep, it's just my view cuz consciousness and free will is very complex topic to have any factual takes tbh, and i think technological singularity can definitely develop more free will and consciousness then humans can ever have
Yeah dude, I hadn't even thought about it that way. I mean, an AI can easily have a different conscious experience and who knows what they might discover based on the way they understand the world. They will also be able to improve themselves recursively which means that they have the capacity to overcome their limits, which is something we as humans cannot do since the brain is a biologically limited space of mass.
Oct 7, 2024
Yep, it's just my view cuz consciousness and free will is very complex topic to have any factual takes tbh, and i think technological singularity can definitely develop more free will and consciousness then humans can ever have
Ignore this message. I replied to the wrong thread jfl
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