Chad obsession explained by a 4channer

Jan 29, 2025
very well said imo

doing human things.
Aug 19, 2024
Labeling black-and-white thinking as a purely autistic trait is quite funny to me because it implies that neurotypicals are somehow more nuanced. From my experience this is untrue, it is more like neurotypicals tend to misconstrue (sometimes intentionally) the wording of autistics because they are ironically unable to see autistics as part of their in-group and assume the worst (thereby perpetuating the same dualistic thinking they ascribe to autistics). In my opinion it's common for everybody to view the world through archetypes and I think most people dislike contradictory information, these traits are not exclusive to autism.

The association of virgin, outcast and loser was codified by 'well-adjusted neurotypicals'.
The archetype of a slayer jock was not conjured by autistics but a product of observing the natural hierarchy, it was present pre-internet.
Generally speaking, social interaction relies on a positive feedback loop, either:

  • You are attractive. This draws people to you, relying on minimal effort on your part. You naturally become better at conversation due to having more opportunities to do so. It is easy for you to be around others as they accept you, nudging you into social hobbies like sports and sexual pursuits. Your neuroplasticity configures around being a social, sexual and charismatic. You become a different organism through epigenetic expression: a chad.

  • You are unattractive. This repels people from you naturally, massively increasing the effort you must put in to socialize. You naturally become inept at socializing due to being constantly shunned. You lack the ability to train your charisma. This nudges you into reclusive and unsociable hobbies and due to women generally being repulsed by you, you do not know how to speak to them. Your neuroplasticity configures around being a neurotic, introverted outcast. You become a different organism through epigenetic expression: an incel.
Ambiguity does exist but due to the positive feedback effect of socialization males tend to cluster into the ends of two extremes.
Feb 1, 2025
Labeling black-and-white thinking as a purely autistic trait is quite funny to me because it implies that neurotypicals are somehow more nuanced.
Exactly. Regarding the tendency to think purely in a "black and white" sense as being some exclusive characteristic trait for autistic people is laughable. A lack of nuance is in fact dominant today.

People who end up in these communities, neurodivergent or otherwise, do so because, on a profound level, at least one psychological and/or physical need isn't being fulfilled in their lives. The dread intensifies, and overwhelmed, the insecurity they feel when they look in the mirror, juxtaposed with the endless array of beautiful, joyous faces that are plastered on social media and propagated through popular culture, creates a pure, simple recipe to latch onto and by which to absolve themselves of responsibility.

The mental health concerns of today are complex and, in certain cases, unprecedentedly so. The advent of easy solutions, of fantasies to yearn for based singularly on images, is deeply attractive therefore and they even perhaps contain an addictive quality.

But there are no easy fixes. To an extent, everyone is hamstrung in some way by their genetic predispositions. You just have to be grateful for and honest about what you have and work towards maximizing your potential. You have to be courageous enough to transcend the comfortability of victimhood, and take control. And to a certain extent, pain builds character, so you ought to be grateful for the difficulty that life has presented to you. Be proactive; put yourself out there. Fight for yourself.
So far there's no one here