Deconstructing 'Work + Love = Happiness' LIE part 1
Popular culture, films and media brainwash the masses to think that they will find happiness at only 2 things: work and love/marriage. Basically those 2 fields of life are the sole reason to live for every single person today, even if they are not entirely aware of this mental frame. Even seemingly lucid and enlightened people like redpillers act and think in this same mental cage. Here is the thing though: humankind throughout the history didn't rank illustrious men based on their carrer nor if they had a harem full of hot slavs, but rather their sucess at reaching their innate human potential during their biography; I'm talking about great poets, philosophers, empire leaders, etc.
Up until Middle ages there were really only 3 types of professions for all people: artesan, soldier and scholar. That's it. They didn't think much of what carrer path they will take and most of the time their real vocation had nothing to do with their work. That is so because work is just a
necessity. You need to eat in order to live or else you will die, you work to produce or buy food. People need to sleep. Also, men need good quality sex often. But these thing are not (or at least shouldn't be) life goals that will bring real human happiness or else we wouldn't be different from donkeys. For animals, pleaseant feelings like eating, sleeping and fucking is all they need to be fullfilled as species. If a human live like that throughout his life, even if he manages to satisfy all physiological desire everytime (he won't, this is utopian), he will still feel a great emptiness inside and that something important was lost..
Basically human beings are divided into 3 chastes (in order of importance):
1. Wisdom: these are the ones who will do anything for getting knowledge for the sake of knowing, think great men like Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, etc.
2. Honour: these are tough guys that sacrifice themselves for others, they are healers and also warriors like Alexander the Great.
3. Prosperity/Comfort: they deal with money and are the billionaires, CEOs, etc. They are good at detecting social needs at the material level and filling the void with the corresponding resource.
3,2. Beauty: they are artists that will register cultural impressions that are not intended to be philosophically true but instead captates genuine human experiences in a substantial rather than rationalized form. Examples of this are writers, painters, musicians, etc.
Only Solomon was a master in these 3 categories: he was the wisest man of the time, he was king of a vast empire and the richest in the world. Not even Jesus mastered each one of these, because despite Him being Wisdom itself and having the utmost dignity, he was poor.
You are either into one of these 3.
Try practise activities related to one of these everyday and see in which one you fit in. The sages study a lot of philosophy, political history and cultural trends that permeates history through centuries but pass unnoticed to the vast population. There is a saying that our lives are ruled by philosophers we don't know and who died hundreds of years ago.
All the honour guys have to do is helping someone. It can't be your family or someone you know. You may practise martial arts and try defend the weak or work as a security guard for a moral enterprise or person (this is really important, don't use your force to defend assholes, otherwise the whole sacrificial side of it is inverted) or study traditional medicine and heal people (doctors these days are monsters who profit from the disease rather than the cure and even receive prestigious praise by society for doing it, is so disgusting.. I'm thinking mainly about America. You will charge only if your patient is cured, if isn't the case, then don't. I recommend studying traditional greek-islamic medicine, ayurveda and chinese medicine.
Prosperity/Comfort guy will work to make big money, everyone at this chaste will start his company sooner or later, since no one that I know of got rich working for someone else. But the whole process has to be clean and moral. If you earn money selling drugs/making up pyramid schemes you will harm yourself really bad in this life and in the next.
If you are serious about practising activities related to your respective chaste everyday and being the better of it, through your life you will feel an intensely spiritual satisfaction that permeates your whole being, an sensation better than sex, just like Beethoven felt while writing his symphonies or Shakespeare writing his dramas.
This part was focused on the wageslaving side of this false formula, part 2 will focus on romantic love. Remembering it is all a very small summary on the teachings of this