Lifestyle Does anyone associate thoughts with certain seasons?

Feb 24, 2024
Now that the end of the year is nearing, and we’re entering the hibernation seasons, I’ve taken time to reflect on things I’ve been through throughout the last few months.

The fall weather always brings out nostalgic feelings in me. I
It’s around this time summer vacation would end, and school would start back up. My favorite day of the year happens around this time(Halloween, and I like to do a bit more outdoors activities before the weather becomes too unbearable.

Been listening to a lot of Metallica lately, which I do like clockwork every September through November. Mostly burning out their album Ride the Lightning or And Justice for All. Play a lot of Bully too since it released around this time in 06 and I have fond memories of playing it with my older brother, collect all the shit and running through the story.
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Sep 19, 2024
Autumn to early winter is my favourite part of the year. The sky turns more grey, it gets darker faster etc. The whole ambience changes and makes going out and even staying inside more enjoyable.

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