I keep having this one particular nightmare, i know this thread is about dreams which i will also talk about but first this same nightmare keeps happening. It starts off with me opening my eyes and looking upwards as i lay on my bed and seeing a big spider floating above me, it's dark/night but somehow i can see clearly, i get very scared (i naturally have a fear of spiders but in my nightmare, the fear/emotion is dialed up tenfold) and i quickly panic and sit up and then the nightmare ends. I've had this exact same nightmare and it has played out the same way every time. I had it 3 times in 2023 from what i remember, then i recently had it again a week ago. I wonder what it means.
As for my dreams, i think i had a precog/prescient dream last year i think it was or maybe it was this year? i forget.
Anyhow i think it was of myself but i was maybe 10 years older and i am walking into a restaurant with a woman who i suspect is/will be my wife. I see myself, i am wearing glasses, and look like what i would expect an older me would look like, i think i see a rough outline of the womans face but no distinct features as it was hard to tell, i recall her having very tired looking eyes, fair skin, a neotenous/soft/feminine face, and then the dream ended. I never had a dream like that before or after since. I can assure you precog/prescient dreams are very real, a sibling of mine has them quite often and they always come true. I've had other "dreams" or you could say nightmares, apocalypse scenarios, civil war scenarios, some crazy shit going on in my dreams, i don't have them often but when i do, they're very intense.