Religion Holy Bible Stories

Mar 2, 2024
So, I've been reading the Holy Bible for the first time since I was a kid. I finished Genesis just the other day, and I'm going to start Exodus soon. I've been attending Mass and my local church youth group every week or so (attending bonfire parties, Evening Mass, meet-ups), so I've been quite inspired to read the Holy Bible even more due to that fact. Also, the fact that the Bible is the word of God is endearing. Personally, I love the Holy Bible and my faith (Catholicism, to be precise).
What stories and books in the Bible are your favourite?
Mine personally would be the story of Noah. It's so refreshing knowing the world was cleansed of sin and the most righteous were able to live. I know the Lord God promised not to flood the world again, but I think the world is in dire need of another flood. Or at least the Second Coming of Christ (as you might know, the world is supposed to end when Christ returns). The descriptions in the two versions I've read (King James and English Contemporary) are described so beautifully when Noah, his family, and all the animals get off the Ark. Also, the parts with the dove flying to and fro between the land to see if the flood has subsided. So pretty.
I digress.
Let me know your favourite Biblical stories and books.

Mar 2, 2024
Were you always a Catholic?
As a kid, I went through every rite you have to in order to be a "true Catholic" - including baptism, confirmation, the whole nine yards. In my adolescence, I grew disillusioned by the whole religious thing. Then after I hit adulthood, I began to grow more devout like I was as a kid. I had some experiences that I won't go into on here but I'm almost certain God exists because of them; also, going off what my friend who does drugs regularly said when he told me about his DMT trip, it made me realise there has to be more to the universe than our physical realm. I eventually became more and more infatuated with the idea of Catholicism and God, and the Son Himself.
Staff member
Feb 28, 2024
I’m agnostic, but I’m open-minded in regards to the metaphysical and different belief systems
I don't think there can be more than one deity as they would fight each other for power, even if there was one good god and one evil like in the case of zoroastrianism, the world would be in chaos and at a loss of order. I do believe in the existence god but most people give him human attributes like in the case of christianity of god needing to sleep, use the bathroom, forgetting, etc. I don't think humans can even begin to grasp the true concept of god without direct guidance from him, i.e. tho god hears, he does not have ears like humans do. I think logically there has to be a god, you cannot create something from nothing. I do not believe god is the universe or is everything we see, feel and breathe and so on. God is an omnipotent, transcendent, fair and just, immanent, beneficent and merciful entity.

That's just my 2 cents but I hope it conveyed my thoughts properly.

Deleted member 103

Im getting a bible soon tbh. Im agnostic but its a book that tells you a wonderful meaning of life and gives you hope. Tbh its a lot more than what i said but im too tired to explain else more
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