Theory Hyperfocus Theory

blank slate
Staff member
Feb 6, 2024
I was talking to Abhorrence @Abhorrence the other day about withdrawing from wider society, shutting yourself in your room and hyper-focusing on different hobbies/projects/interests, etc.

Two similar threads among the same lines:

Basically transmuting your sexual energy/will to power which in normal circumstances would be directed towards sexual competition/civilization building etc., but now is single focused towards an individual's higher pursuits.

A modern example would be like ZUN's Touhou Project, a game series produced independently by said developer over a long period of time. There have been countless projects and creative works all accomplished by single individuals... why can't we do the same?
Aug 20, 2024
it is usually related to neuronal wiring rather than sexual transmutation. Luckily there are ways to shift these wirings or atleast allow a state of neuroplasticity for creating such a change through concerted effort but yeah sexual transmutation isnt really a thing for the majority of people, the only arena where it could make sense is if you practice some chinese holistic medicine or something. When im very driven about something i dont think about cooming anyways but not cooming isnt gonna make me driven.
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