Discussion I think oneitises are the key to understanding and healing your trauma.

Oct 7, 2024
I don't have too much experience with women. Throughout my life there have been some women who have felt attraction towards me, but I never was interested in them. I have been always an anxious person and I'm trying to heal it. I always attributed my failures interacting with women to the fact that I am an aspie. Yes, it has some influence, but I think my childhood trauma really impacted me more, and I was projecting it on the women I liked, because interestingly, every woman who I have liked do not have a present father figure in their lives while those who really liked me had present father figures. I even got to ignore two who could be considered to be HTB where I live. From a Blackpill perspective it doesn't make any sense right? Why would I ignore those two? There should be some form of physical attraction at least... And I even now, I recognize they really are beautiful, but back in time, I never felt anything.

I think that the projection of my childhood trauma was that I was emotionally neglected growing up, so I was looking for emotionally neglected women, like if as were trying to rescue them when the one in need rescue was me. My last oneitis ended up doing exactly that: she emotionally neglected me. Her father seems to have abandoned her while she was a little girl from what I deduced of what she has said.

I was trying to give them what no one else gave me: attention to my emotional needs.

Neither my mother nor my father ever did, but they are trying to change.
Last edited:
Aug 20, 2024
I think that the projection of my childhood trauma was that I was emotionally neglected growing up, so I was looking for emotionally neglected women, like if as were trying to rescue them when the one in need rescue was me.
Beyond relatable, the only girls that liked talking with me were the mentally messed up ones, never had a normie girl interested into me for more than a day, if ur non nt or just mentally not ok, ur only gonna be able to be friends or partner with ppl like u, we can never fit in the normie world so thats a big problem for our dating lifes, beyond over for mentalcel autists like us tbh, we either get a bpd depressed girl or end up alone forever

Or end up 6ft under
So far there's no one here