Essay Incel culture is indirect female worship

blank slate
Staff member
Feb 6, 2024
blank slate
Staff member
Feb 6, 2024

Incel culture is indirect female worship​

I feel like the craving for a romantic relationship is exaggerated and forced upon, the thousands down sides of relationships are severely downplayed while the few high moments are amplified and focused. What still baffles me is how incels STILL worship women despite being blackpilled, at least with simps they have the excuse of seeing women as innocent beings, but what excuses to blackpillers have? They know women are artificial, simple, annoying, mean, evil, lazy, weak, dumb, manipulative, boring... yet they will tell you that they're the pinnacle of existence and not wanting them means you're a coping cuck like wtf. Women are not the center of the universe, believing they're all that matter in life is female worship and a low IQ biological take on life, we might as well worship food and water because they're even more of a need than women are made out to be. Though it's not a surprise when you consider that the incel label is a label defined upon the validation of dripping holes. "I'm so subhuman because I don't measure up to women's extremely inflated and ridiculous standards!"

Incels need to start their journey to acceptance to move on, it is genuinely unhealthy to obsess about things that you will never obtain, it is futile and damaging. Do you want a gf but can't? Just move on and cope, the best thing you can do is forget about the things you hate, it makes you happier and productive. I hate women but I don't obsess and define myself because of them, nor do still want a relationship after seeing how horrible.

An incel getting a gf is dubbed as 'ascension', ascension is usually correlated with religion and holiness, like 'ascension to Heaven'. I don't know if it's just me but dubbing a relationship with a woman as a biblical holy divine ascension is quite lame and not at all anti female.

Reminder that over 60% of incels would kill a fellow incel just to get with a worthless hole.
blank slate
Staff member
Feb 6, 2024
Good post but some of the niggas in that thread are retarded. Imagine wasting your time hating on foids, while also craving validation from them so badly you are willing to kill yourself and others over them.
Yeah that was basically OP's point lol. I think most of the users agreed with the thread topic except for a few stragglers.
Otaku Culture
Dec 25, 2024

Incel culture is indirect female worship​

I feel like the craving for a romantic relationship is exaggerated and forced upon, the thousands down sides of relationships are severely downplayed while the few high moments are amplified and focused. What still baffles me is how incels STILL worship women despite being blackpilled, at least with simps they have the excuse of seeing women as innocent beings, but what excuses to blackpillers have? They know women are artificial, simple, annoying, mean, evil, lazy, weak, dumb, manipulative, boring... yet they will tell you that they're the pinnacle of existence and not wanting them means you're a coping cuck like wtf. Women are not the center of the universe, believing they're all that matter in life is female worship and a low IQ biological take on life, we might as well worship food and water because they're even more of a need than women are made out to be. Though it's not a surprise when you consider that the incel label is a label defined upon the validation of dripping holes. "I'm so subhuman because I don't measure up to women's extremely inflated and ridiculous standards!"

Incels need to start their journey to acceptance to move on, it is genuinely unhealthy to obsess about things that you will never obtain, it is futile and damaging. Do you want a gf but can't? Just move on and cope, the best thing you can do is forget about the things you hate, it makes you happier and productive. I hate women but I don't obsess and define myself because of them, nor do still want a relationship after seeing how horrible.

An incel getting a gf is dubbed as 'ascension', ascension is usually correlated with religion and holiness, like 'ascension to Heaven'. I don't know if it's just me but dubbing a relationship with a woman as a biblical holy divine ascension is quite lame and not at all anti female.

Reminder that over 60% of incels would kill a fellow incel just to get with a worthless hole.
I'm glad I'm not the only one to have come to this realization. I still find discussing female psychology interesting despite this, my autist mind can't comprehend their behaviors.
Folk Hero
Aug 19, 2024
Agreed, I have said it before and I will say it again: blackpillers are just failed romantics. They are men that so desperately wish to be romantic and to have a beautiful relationship with women, which is why they howl in jest about the complete and utter mismatch of the feminine archetype as portrayed online which is cold, callous, harpy-like and without principle, willing to debase their morals for a good jawline or a number on a line; the main wish of incels are that they want women (or at least their presumption of them) to transcend pettiness and superficiality because they yearn for a star-crossed romance! They vent to each other with feminine idolatry not unlike the romantics of yore, and even the lauding of the looks-only paradigm is a whiplash against their own failed ideal, that women are not nearly as romantic, feminist and active as these men desperately want them to be, or at least this is the impression I get.
Last edited:
Feb 25, 2025
I dont know how they haven't come to the conclusion women are incapable of love. Earlier today I heard of some twitter egirl who preys on lonely men trying to get info to dox them. Never trust a woman.
That's crazy. I don't talk to egirls.
isekai me
Feb 26, 2024
It's not so easy to just say "move on and cope brooooo!!!". We're programmed to want to fuck the other gender. It's not some switch we can just turn off. Our brains desire to feel love and affection because we are social creatures. This type of love can only be fulfilled by a potential mate. But yes, relationships are 100% not worth it for men, at all. It's not an over exaggeration to say robowaifus would replace real women if they were hyper realistic. Women are needy and demanding. Then when you do something for them, they still find a way to complain about it. There is no winning. You will become a beta provider for a used hole
isekai me
Feb 26, 2024
i think its because monogamy is forced and we are supposed to have multiple partners
men in the stone age were fucking tons of women. Men were the ones who had multiple partners and spread their genes while the woman raised the kids
blank slate
Staff member
Feb 6, 2024
It's not so easy to just say "move on and cope brooooo!!!". We're programmed to want to fuck the other gender. It's not some switch we can just turn off. Our brains desire to feel love and affection because we are social creatures. This type of love can only be fulfilled by a potential mate. But yes, relationships are 100% not worth it for men, at all. It's not an over exaggeration to say robowaifus would replace real women if they were hyper realistic. Women are needy and demanding. Then when you do something for them, they still find a way to complain about it. There is no winning. You will become a beta provider for a used hole
I'll do a write-up about this topic later
So far there's no one here