Whitepill Life is exceptional, we are here to experience greatness

Folk Hero
Aug 19, 2024
Our human existence is full of wonder and whimsy.
I can wake up and have my senses served will full honors, spoiled silly with all manner of delectable novel stimulation.
The indulgent, crisp crunch of flaked pastry that rolls from the tongue; the exceptional cerulean sky with air so fresh to breathe; the magnanimous complexities of interaction, chaotic ripples ream to a narrative that emblazons the tapestry of my soul; each experience only serves to refine it. I am so very grateful that I was born human. To be born an amoeba, bear or turtle would deprive me of the multifaceted richness of complexities that a human brain endows.

As a human I am my own captain. It is possible for me to commandeer my destiny, to make informed decisions and craft layered inferences with regards to objects, weaving my own assumptions and intuited dogmas, that I am FREE to have such a wonderfully rich story, with every interaction adding layers to my character, is a miracle beyond the description of mere words. I have access to technologies that seamlessly interlink all combined human knowledge at my fingertips, providing a sandbox with sensations so boundlessly decadent. I am privy to these glorious machinations, my life is imbued with the SOUL of millions who had tirelessly worked sweat to their brow, scrambling for truth, they gifted us with tools to further invigorate our lives and make our experiences richer. Their metaphysical soul lives on through mine, and through it I am strengthened.

To be human is a miracle. If there ever was a heaven, it would be our existence.

I am so utterly grateful and fortunate, that my body has the ability to expel waste cleanly and heal scars over time.
I am so unfathomably grateful that my senses are so richly complex, with the ability to taste, touch, see, hear and smell this beautiful manifold.
It is truly fortuitous. That I am a being fully capable of experiencing the giddy wash of cola tickling my throat or the sweet scent of Rose, that I am able to feel the glorious quenching of thirst, that I was born in a vessel that allowed me to work, sweat and suffer is delightful. It is far better than non-existence. Even the smallest instance of my life, through joy and through pain serves to brand my metaphysical soul with zeal and motive.

I can love life, I can be ambivalent to it or I can hate it. I am truly FREE to make whatever inferences and decisions I see fit. The engrams and fluctuations of my SOUL are UNCHAINED, they're WILD and FREE. My mind is a servant and I am the king. I am so magnificently untethered in my subjective judgements, my existence is free to be contextualized however I see fit. This is the ALMIGHTY POWER of HUMAN EXISTENCE, it is also the greatest treasure.

Even in suffering, life is a banquet. Heart valves bursting with madness, and thrumming chests, lungs and minds that blaze with a white-hot rage; I am so fortunate that I can feel angry at injustice. I am so fortunate that I can feel despaired at the loss of things I feel important. Without these emotions, my soul would be dull, placid, wrinkled and beige. With them, my story is colorful, meaningful and directed. I am so immeasurably grateful that I have been permitted to live a life that is artful and bursting with experience.

My good fellows I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, and furthermore a wonderful life. :whitepill:
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