Positivity Liking anime lolis is NOT immoral

Sep 24, 2024
One way I love to troll normies is by simping for anime lolis in their discord servers and every time they do they mindlessly seethe to the point of leaving the server entirely :pepelul:

People who hates lolicons is because they hate that we are original and honest with ourselves. They can't cope with the fact that they lived their entire lives with lies, convincing themselves that there taste in women is a 40 year old single mother wife having a pussy that looks like a roastbeef :jfl: which is why they get so infuriated at the mention of tight and wonderful cunny of a Loli because if they appreciated that then it would trigger their trauma.

There reasoning is complete nonsense too, they can't differenciete fiction with reality that's how retarded they are, they would rather seethe at a lolicon then actual pedophile lol.

Liking lolis are natural and healthy, if you like anime lolis then it's based and you shouldn't feel ashamed about it cuz the people that hate you are just projecting
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