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Yeah, guys. I'm starting to notice how everything we consume ends up influencing us to a psychological level. A simple example: I preached on .org about how self-love is very important to avoid depression and avoiding self-torture and self-punishing.
Some users said it was gay or some shit, and to be honest, I also thought about it that way. But I think self-love is one of the most important things because when we have self-love we avoid bad decisions in life because bad decision hurt us.
I want to start playing with my mind more. To see how can I influence my state of mind by pure thought and emotion, and all of these tags people are attaching to themselves, I need to get rid of them. Obviously, to meditate more and all of that.
Those tags of what things should be, or "that thing is this", or "such is such", are limiting beliefs. I think both the Whitepill and Blackpill are two extremes of the same thing, so I would like to be free of influences and start experiencing life for myself. Reading more books about everything.
Before leaving I wanted to leave all of the schizo threads I made in .org about mentalmaxxing here. I hope they can help somebody.
Also, here's a thread about suffering I planned to post here. It is a "improved" version of one of the threads above. It is not complete, so it is a draft, but I'm leaving so I just will leave it here ;)
Awareness of thoughts, feelings, and sensations
Every day I really seem to confirm that fear, grief, and shame are nothing more than mental psychological constructs to protect us from the pain.... But by giving myself, my body, mind, and soul to the pain, the fear, the grief, and the shame—and any of all those not pleasurable feelings—it is as if these same emotions disappear, as if you realize that you can reach such low levels of detachment that you don't suffer anymore. It is very paradoxical: the more we run away from the inevitable non-pleasurable, the more it hunts us down.
Before continuing, I wanted to tell you an anecdote because I did not really believe these kind of things were possible for me, a guy who grew up with constant fear of people and social anxiety. It hasn't dissapeared completely yet, but the progress has been notable nonetheless. The week after I healed part of my emotional repression, there were some dangerous looking guys on the street smoking marijuana, and me—wanting to push my inhibition limits as a giga socially anxious guy—I went and asked them to give me some and they passed me a joint just about to run out and I smoked what was left. I thought myself: "Hey —2J—, do you really think the past me would have been even able to get near them?". Obviously, the answer is not at all.
Boyo, what a world awaits for you out there when you decide to open up to the potential of your mind. If you are an aspie just like me, you have a treasure within your head: a highly plastic brain capable of constant change. We can socialize better than any neurotypical if we want to, but only if we are not afraid to feel fear and shame, same applies for NT people. Instead, if you allow yourself to surrender to those emotions entirely, to not run from them, they start becoming your allies, and from that moment and on, the doors of the Low-inhibition Paradise shall be open for you.
What I mean by surrender is allowing yourself to feel. If you allow yourself to feel, you allow yourself to be present—which is what an over-thinker lacks; being in the present moment. Feel! Feel! Whatever you feel! It can be the taste of the food you are eating, the touch of the water against your skin when you take a shower, the touch of the keyboard against your fingertips, the sounds of the vehicles, the sounds of nature, the sounds of the music you like. What I'm telling to do is to start practicing what I call: "Feeling the feeling". Do not be afraid to feel, whatever it is, but don't be afraid. Surrender to it completely as fast as you can so that the sensation goes from being your enemy to your friend.
Your imagination is very powerful too, and it can be used for many things too. It will sound dark and egdy, but I did it anyways to explore my shadow; thedark aspects of us we do not want to recognize. On my healing process, I once imagined myself killing somebody from my past who hurt someone I appreciated, and in such an act I learned that I don't have to carry anymore resentment or hate towards that person, so even if I haven't talked to such guy, I forgave him finally. I'm not lying, it felt pleasurable when I did it.
I feel like we all have a violent monster inside us. This is a projection by my part, but I really think it is true because to be honest, the world was already a violent place before I was born. The monster I was talking about, I consider it to be a machine created for violence, crafted by years of violent evolution fighting against ourselves and animals to survive, and if you don't control those aspects of yourself, they will control you, and you'll end up discharging all of the hate you have within towards society. Basically, it is what in these kinds of communities it is called "going ". But we don't want that. We know it is better to achieve everlasting ecuanimity by letting go of hate and resentment. To not fall victims of ignorance and delusion, to know that a person who hurts you has been probably hurt in the past by other, and so on. We are all projecting our pain to all, and that's what I call the "The Interconnectedness of Suffering", of which I will make a thread soon.
Hence, I want you to explore your own darkness, those aspects of you from which you run because you think of yourself as a "good guy"—the one who wouldn't even dare to kill a fly—but we know perfectly what a lie that is. If you want to be truly good, you need to truly know your evilness. How do you know your evilness? By feeling. It is the feeling the one who tells you that you are afraid, that you are angry, that you are resentful, and such. It is all about making the unconscious conscious so that it doesn't any more power over us, so that you can stop suffering to not make the other suffer.
You know what's funny? I used to say that the world was a violent, cruel, and brutal place. It is in a certain way, but it is us humans, the ones who make it that way. If you read what I wrote above, you will have noticed that it was me the one who was violent, cruel, and brutal. I accused the world of that of which I am to blame, in other words, I was projecting to the world the "hidden" aspects of myself because they contradicted the image of "good guy" that I had of myself. My ego needed to protect itself. It hid all of those things deep down within my mind so I couldn't reach them so easily.
About Self-Love:
The people who don't love themselves are the ones who are constantly hurting themselves. It is funny you know? Because sometimes it is not enough with the hurt life throws at us, that we need to hurt ourselves even more. It happens when we torture and punish ourselves for things of which we are not to blame. It is not bad to feel anger, to feel sadness or whatever sensation that arises because of the hurt life throws at you in whichever form; the real problem is staying there. It has to be said with compassion because it is painful for the ego to hear, but never allow yourself to become a victim of life. There is nothing worst than being paralized, to not know where to go, and that's exactly what happens when you allow yourself to be a victim of life. I say that it is highly painful to not dwell on pain, but it is indeed extremely painful to dwell on it.
Remember, every feeling and sensation has to be acknowledged first, even your thoughts. Many of them arise of the form: "Why me? Why me and not them?". That's why it is painful brother, it is painful to accept that this is your life now and there is nothing else to do more than moving forward because staying where you are or moving backwards is simply the way of suffering and self-hate, and we don't want that here. We are all alone after all. Why would the same world—who treated us bad—try to save us? It won't, and that's why it depends on you to pave the way forward no matter how painful it is
Do you want to know who are they? The people who don't want to face the hard truths the Blackpill has for them. Why?
Because the Black pill offers the KNOWLEDGE to avoid being in pain... and when you love something, you don't want to hurt such a thing right? So if You love yourself, You Will be BLACKPILLED.
So that's why bluepilled normies are all delusional when they give themselves their proclaimed self love—because it is the way to pain.
BUT being too Blackpilled is Bad because it is an extreme. You need to start reading more about the Whitepill, but the Whitepill is also an extreme. Too much Blackpill and you end up being miserable and depressed. Similarly, too much Whitepill and you end up blaming yourself for everything and depressed. Incorporate the best of both into your life. Never stay at the extremes unless your life is at the extremes.
So if you know that a girl is not convenient for you and will use you based on your Blackpill knowledge... Will you have the force of will to resist your hate of loneliness and avoid running towards that ungrateful bitch (Whitepill)? If you love yourself, then yes. If you hate yourself, then congratulations brother, more pain in check for you.
Hate of loneliness is hate of yourself because when you are alone you are with you, your thoughts, and if you don't like them, then probably you won't love yourself, and thus you will hate loneliness, which will put you in the position of being a betabuxx so that a foid can now hate you even more! Congratulations, because of your lack of self love you made your pain even greater mothafucker jfl.
Find inspiration of fictional characters. Me? I find it on Doctor Doom, The Joker, Bane, Maul, Vader, Revan, Batman,etc. Doctor Doom for example, I think we share some similarities: we lost it all, we have a great desire for power and knowledge, we are neither good nor bad, we want to break our limits... Read about them, study them. If you feel attracted to some character, then it is because you find yourself psychologically reflected on him. Learn from their mistakes. Stud them but reading well written comics about them, their movies, whatever you can find. Such a character is almost a projection of who you want to be.
Meditation. Meditation. Meditation. There is nothing else better than this. Star slow. Short sessions, if you can only meditate one minute, then dedicate one minute. Meditation is the easiest way to train yourself into self love since you will be able to detach from all of the hateful voices in your head.
Some users said it was gay or some shit, and to be honest, I also thought about it that way. But I think self-love is one of the most important things because when we have self-love we avoid bad decisions in life because bad decision hurt us.
I want to start playing with my mind more. To see how can I influence my state of mind by pure thought and emotion, and all of these tags people are attaching to themselves, I need to get rid of them. Obviously, to meditate more and all of that.
Those tags of what things should be, or "that thing is this", or "such is such", are limiting beliefs. I think both the Whitepill and Blackpill are two extremes of the same thing, so I would like to be free of influences and start experiencing life for myself. Reading more books about everything.
Before leaving I wanted to leave all of the schizo threads I made in .org about mentalmaxxing here. I hope they can help somebody.

Self-love is all you will ever need.
The love that comes from other people is conditional. Do you know which kind of love is really inconditional? The one you give yourself. I ask you the following question: Do you want to hurt something you love? No. Then, why do you then engage in self-torture? Why do you engage then in...

Stop seeking validation from women, normies, and the SOYciety you hate so much.
THREAD MUSIC HAHAHAHAHAHA Imagine stopping doing what you like because "MUH LEAST ATTRACTIVE HOBBIES FOR WOMEN" JFLL:lul::lul::lul: Fucking stupid bitch ass foid, if i want to spend all the week playing videogames i will do it, you stupid bitch. And the worst? It happens too with normies...

Incels, you are all pussies.
If the world hates you, then start hating the world (you created in Minecraft ) back, and let the hate fuel you so you can destroy it (in Minecraft). To destroy the world, destroy yourself. To bring death to the world, bring death to yourself. In this life, you have to be willing to die many...

The Mental-health-pill. Take the Sithpill.
It doesn't how awful the situation you are in is, if you are able to death completely from your emotions you will be in a profound state of ecuanimity. Nothing can ever touch you anymore, for your mind is above the physical. The Burning Monk Fear and shame, both mental constructs designed to...

Mentalmaxxing > looksmaxxing
You have to mental maxx before looks maxxing because if not you'll end up as those depressed Chads who kill themselves. YOU HAVE TO MAKE YOURSELF INTO SOMEONE LOW INHIBITON BEFORE BECOME MORE ATTRACTIVE, SO THAT YOU DON'T DEPEND ON YOUR ATTRACTIVENESS TO BE LOW INHIB. IN FACT, THE LOW...

Mental-maxxing advice: Don't watch porn. Train your imagination instead.
Don't watch porn. Train your imagination instead to have giga powerful orgasms with whomever women you want. Watching porn is detrimental to your brain. At least, try to watch POV porn or use images of women! No men should be seen anywhere in whichever pornographic material you consume. Each...

If only you knew guys... Every day I really confirm fear, grief, and shame as nothing more than mental psychological constructs to protect us from the pain.... But by giving myself and my body, mind, and soul to the pain, the fear, the grief, and the shame—any of those not pleasurable...

Never, absolutely never repress your emotions.
You will only make yourself go sick. Take it all out. Write insults, make it art; paint it, draw it, write it, whatever shit you consider an art, but never fucking never repress your emotions. FEEL YOUR EMOTIONS FOR THEY ARE THE POWER. FEEL THE RAGE, FEEL THE FEAR, FEEL THE SHAME, FEEL...

You either decide to live and give it your all or you die the fastest you can.

I'm healing all of my traumas and I'm reaching god 'low-inhibiton' levels without DRUGS. GET THE FUCK IN!
As you read in the title. I'm healing every little and big trauma I've had in my life. The key: do not repress anything, and if you can just cry like a fucking baby. Cry like there is no fucking tomorrow. I can practically speak in the street with any women I want. I don't fear women anymore...
Also, here's a thread about suffering I planned to post here. It is a "improved" version of one of the threads above. It is not complete, so it is a draft, but I'm leaving so I just will leave it here ;)
Awareness of thoughts, feelings, and sensations
Every day I really seem to confirm that fear, grief, and shame are nothing more than mental psychological constructs to protect us from the pain.... But by giving myself, my body, mind, and soul to the pain, the fear, the grief, and the shame—and any of all those not pleasurable feelings—it is as if these same emotions disappear, as if you realize that you can reach such low levels of detachment that you don't suffer anymore. It is very paradoxical: the more we run away from the inevitable non-pleasurable, the more it hunts us down.
Before continuing, I wanted to tell you an anecdote because I did not really believe these kind of things were possible for me, a guy who grew up with constant fear of people and social anxiety. It hasn't dissapeared completely yet, but the progress has been notable nonetheless. The week after I healed part of my emotional repression, there were some dangerous looking guys on the street smoking marijuana, and me—wanting to push my inhibition limits as a giga socially anxious guy—I went and asked them to give me some and they passed me a joint just about to run out and I smoked what was left. I thought myself: "Hey —2J—, do you really think the past me would have been even able to get near them?". Obviously, the answer is not at all.
Boyo, what a world awaits for you out there when you decide to open up to the potential of your mind. If you are an aspie just like me, you have a treasure within your head: a highly plastic brain capable of constant change. We can socialize better than any neurotypical if we want to, but only if we are not afraid to feel fear and shame, same applies for NT people. Instead, if you allow yourself to surrender to those emotions entirely, to not run from them, they start becoming your allies, and from that moment and on, the doors of the Low-inhibition Paradise shall be open for you.
What I mean by surrender is allowing yourself to feel. If you allow yourself to feel, you allow yourself to be present—which is what an over-thinker lacks; being in the present moment. Feel! Feel! Whatever you feel! It can be the taste of the food you are eating, the touch of the water against your skin when you take a shower, the touch of the keyboard against your fingertips, the sounds of the vehicles, the sounds of nature, the sounds of the music you like. What I'm telling to do is to start practicing what I call: "Feeling the feeling". Do not be afraid to feel, whatever it is, but don't be afraid. Surrender to it completely as fast as you can so that the sensation goes from being your enemy to your friend.
Your imagination is very powerful too, and it can be used for many things too. It will sound dark and egdy, but I did it anyways to explore my shadow; thedark aspects of us we do not want to recognize. On my healing process, I once imagined myself killing somebody from my past who hurt someone I appreciated, and in such an act I learned that I don't have to carry anymore resentment or hate towards that person, so even if I haven't talked to such guy, I forgave him finally. I'm not lying, it felt pleasurable when I did it.

I feel like we all have a violent monster inside us. This is a projection by my part, but I really think it is true because to be honest, the world was already a violent place before I was born. The monster I was talking about, I consider it to be a machine created for violence, crafted by years of violent evolution fighting against ourselves and animals to survive, and if you don't control those aspects of yourself, they will control you, and you'll end up discharging all of the hate you have within towards society. Basically, it is what in these kinds of communities it is called "going ". But we don't want that. We know it is better to achieve everlasting ecuanimity by letting go of hate and resentment. To not fall victims of ignorance and delusion, to know that a person who hurts you has been probably hurt in the past by other, and so on. We are all projecting our pain to all, and that's what I call the "The Interconnectedness of Suffering", of which I will make a thread soon.
Hence, I want you to explore your own darkness, those aspects of you from which you run because you think of yourself as a "good guy"—the one who wouldn't even dare to kill a fly—but we know perfectly what a lie that is. If you want to be truly good, you need to truly know your evilness. How do you know your evilness? By feeling. It is the feeling the one who tells you that you are afraid, that you are angry, that you are resentful, and such. It is all about making the unconscious conscious so that it doesn't any more power over us, so that you can stop suffering to not make the other suffer.
You know what's funny? I used to say that the world was a violent, cruel, and brutal place. It is in a certain way, but it is us humans, the ones who make it that way. If you read what I wrote above, you will have noticed that it was me the one who was violent, cruel, and brutal. I accused the world of that of which I am to blame, in other words, I was projecting to the world the "hidden" aspects of myself because they contradicted the image of "good guy" that I had of myself. My ego needed to protect itself. It hid all of those things deep down within my mind so I couldn't reach them so easily.
About Self-Love:
The people who don't love themselves are the ones who are constantly hurting themselves. It is funny you know? Because sometimes it is not enough with the hurt life throws at us, that we need to hurt ourselves even more. It happens when we torture and punish ourselves for things of which we are not to blame. It is not bad to feel anger, to feel sadness or whatever sensation that arises because of the hurt life throws at you in whichever form; the real problem is staying there. It has to be said with compassion because it is painful for the ego to hear, but never allow yourself to become a victim of life. There is nothing worst than being paralized, to not know where to go, and that's exactly what happens when you allow yourself to be a victim of life. I say that it is highly painful to not dwell on pain, but it is indeed extremely painful to dwell on it.
Remember, every feeling and sensation has to be acknowledged first, even your thoughts. Many of them arise of the form: "Why me? Why me and not them?". That's why it is painful brother, it is painful to accept that this is your life now and there is nothing else to do more than moving forward because staying where you are or moving backwards is simply the way of suffering and self-hate, and we don't want that here. We are all alone after all. Why would the same world—who treated us bad—try to save us? It won't, and that's why it depends on you to pave the way forward no matter how painful it is
Do you want to know who are they? The people who don't want to face the hard truths the Blackpill has for them. Why?
Because the Black pill offers the KNOWLEDGE to avoid being in pain... and when you love something, you don't want to hurt such a thing right? So if You love yourself, You Will be BLACKPILLED.
So that's why bluepilled normies are all delusional when they give themselves their proclaimed self love—because it is the way to pain.
BUT being too Blackpilled is Bad because it is an extreme. You need to start reading more about the Whitepill, but the Whitepill is also an extreme. Too much Blackpill and you end up being miserable and depressed. Similarly, too much Whitepill and you end up blaming yourself for everything and depressed. Incorporate the best of both into your life. Never stay at the extremes unless your life is at the extremes.
So if you know that a girl is not convenient for you and will use you based on your Blackpill knowledge... Will you have the force of will to resist your hate of loneliness and avoid running towards that ungrateful bitch (Whitepill)? If you love yourself, then yes. If you hate yourself, then congratulations brother, more pain in check for you.
Hate of loneliness is hate of yourself because when you are alone you are with you, your thoughts, and if you don't like them, then probably you won't love yourself, and thus you will hate loneliness, which will put you in the position of being a betabuxx so that a foid can now hate you even more! Congratulations, because of your lack of self love you made your pain even greater mothafucker jfl.
Find inspiration of fictional characters. Me? I find it on Doctor Doom, The Joker, Bane, Maul, Vader, Revan, Batman,etc. Doctor Doom for example, I think we share some similarities: we lost it all, we have a great desire for power and knowledge, we are neither good nor bad, we want to break our limits... Read about them, study them. If you feel attracted to some character, then it is because you find yourself psychologically reflected on him. Learn from their mistakes. Stud them but reading well written comics about them, their movies, whatever you can find. Such a character is almost a projection of who you want to be.
Meditation. Meditation. Meditation. There is nothing else better than this. Star slow. Short sessions, if you can only meditate one minute, then dedicate one minute. Meditation is the easiest way to train yourself into self love since you will be able to detach from all of the hateful voices in your head.