Discussion On showing your emotions as a man

Feb 1, 2025
What do you all feel about being openly emotional? I feel like there's a pretty commonly-held belief by men that being emotional in front of women in particular is bound to backfire eventually. In other words, they'll weaponize it against you at some point in the future, even if it's not a conscious decision for them.

I used to somewhat view this idea with contempt, but the more I turn it over in my head, and the more I set it against my own experiences, the more empathetic I have grown towards it. Hell, I'd even take it a step forward and argue that men shouldn't necessarily show their emotions to anyone for the same justifications, even other men.

I think we've somehow yet to reach a point where a man can reasonably feel unperturbed in wearing his emotions on his sleeve; society's standards around it are still grotesquely hypocritical, and there may be something deeply rooted in people that causes this.

I am not advocating for men to suppress their emotions completely because doing so is impossible; however, I do think men are fairly justified in feeling cautious about being open with their emotions at all.

Would love to hear any of your guys' thoughts about this since my thinking about this is still relatively immature.
Feb 24, 2024
lots of emotions come from fear, woman love confidence which is the direct opposite of fear. woman seeing men having emotions is in direct relation to our history and biology, men that showed fear, sadness, anxiety were feeling that way because they were trampled by other men who mogged them. the other men would kill something, someone or take food, whatever have you. woman seeing those emotions in the loser would feel the same too or rather forget those feelings and move onto the victor. now if were talking anger it might be more complicated. woman emotions fluctuate a lot more then mens. they like a steady rock to cling onto. when you show emotional venerability it makes things complicated for them. I say the best way is to show confidence and dominance but not coming off as to arrogant. There's a reason the dark triad chad fantasy is desired by lots and lots of woman. its the embodiment of what the ideal man is for them.
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