Venting Realization about the interconnectedness of human pain.

Observe, listen, and be silent.
Oct 7, 2024
I understood the simple reason why the Buddha never helped anyone directly, but helped those who approached him. Precisely, one cannot help those who do not want to be helped, because afterwards the ego of those people will end up hurting you.

The above is quite "pessimistic", because it reflects that humanity is doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. The interconnections of pain will only continue to spread until our ultimate extinction as a species. We can do nothing but transform ourselves until we achieve a definitive dissolution of the mental construct we have built of ourselves, or the so-called “ego”. Again, this is pessimistic because to achieve that requires a long work of meditation, facing painful truths, and the trauma we have each received.

In conclusion, the best we can do is to transform ourselves. Take care of our physical and mental health until the consequent deterioration of this body. If possible, meditate to appease the fear of dying if it terrifies you.
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