Philosophy the nature of reality and its importance

Feb 24, 2024
The first step to becoming a philosopher is recognizing that there is truth to be found. The second step is seeking after wisdom and understanding & aligning yourself with it with a whole heart, the last step is standing up for truth when it has no voice, in other words doing what Socrates did, liken to Christ, becoming a real buddha by not becoming apathetic and accepting the role and responsibility of being a teacher.

For many sites I notice that there is either a swing to the left or right in terms of ideas, as it stands that will not help us; what will is taking those ideas and putting them into practice. Trying to understand the nature of reality is just such a topic worthy of our time and connecting all the puzzle pieces together is the greatest testament to man and his spiritual journey.
Feb 24, 2024
reality is like a grand puzzle board and all the subjects are trying to explain and find the pieces of reality. God hath made it so perfect and gave man the ability to appreciate it, therefore we should come together to bridge the gab of nescience. We should come together to destroy ignorance, eradicate poverty, and to destroy all religions and institutions which hinder or deliberately retard the spiritual, emotional, rational and overall development of mankind.
blank slate
Staff member
Feb 6, 2024
When you say some sites swing to the left or right in terms of ideas, do you mean politically or some other left or right?
Feb 24, 2024
When you say some sites swing to the left or right in terms of ideas, do you mean politically or some other left or right?
I mean that, they uphold radical and or ideas that are polarizing, for example I care not for the negros, but yet there are users on who hate them, despite that being an incel in general is a sad position to be in, yet they will bicker amongst each other; claiming that one is better over the other and yet they are involuntary celibates. A socialist and a communist will be in the same room and never try to agree with another and will yet back and forth that neither upholds the liberation of the proletariat. Two men of education will wine and bicker of philosophical thought and yet never come to a conclusion, rather is simply clever sophistry.

We must be in union and alignment with truth as authority, truth is authority not man or ideas; but only in so far that the idea is true and in alignment with reality.
Staff member
Feb 28, 2024
I mean that, they uphold radical and or ideas that are polarizing, for example I care not for the negros, but yet there are users on who hate them, despite that being an incel in general is a sad position to be in, yet they will bicker amongst each other; claiming that one is better over the other and yet they are involuntary celibates. A socialist and a communist will be in the same room and never try to agree with another and will yet back and forth that neither upholds the liberation of the proletariat. Two men of education will wine and bicker of philosophical thought and yet never come to a conclusion, rather is simply clever sophistry.

We must be in union and alignment with truth as authority, truth is authority not man or ideas; but only in so far that the idea is true and in alignment with reality.
Do you believe there is one singular truth to the world or do you believe that the "truth" is just an amalgamation of smaller truths?
Mar 27, 2024
Truth is only waiting to be discovered in so far as it exists independent of our minds.

But what exists independent of our minds ? You tell me.

I don't think it even makes sense to speak of truthful propositions, unless there is a mind which can evaluate propositions.

Either there is an all encompassing mind which grounds all true propositions, but the mind itself transcends truth itself (neoplatonic solution) OR every truth is not a discovery but an invention and constructive mapping to what we perceive to be out there (pragmatic solution)

Tabula Rasa @Tabula Rasa
So far there's no one here