The Thule Society

Forgive Me Father For I Have Sinned
Mar 1, 2024
The Thule Society was a German occult and nationalist organisation that existed before the rise of Nazism. The swastika was a symbol used by the Thule Society, but with a different orientation. In the Thule Society, the swastika was turned to the right, similar to the Nazi swastika, but tilted 45 degrees downwards. The Thule Society influenced some of the Nazi Party's leaders and ideologues, including Hitler, and is considered one of the initial influences on the development of Nazi ideology.
The difference in the orientation of swastikas (facing right or left) is mainly related to the cultural tradition and context in which they are used. The right-facing swastika is most commonly associated with Nazism and its ideals of racial supremacy and genocide. The left-facing swastika, like the one used by the Thule Society, has a different historical association and can be found in other cultural contexts, such as in some forms of Hinduism and Buddhism.
Other books followed, but it was The Secret Doctrine that established itself as his greatest literary work. Originally composed of two volumes, the work is intended to be "a synthesis of current scientific, philosophical and religious thought".
The first volume studies the evolution of the universe, while the second looks at the origin and evolution of humanity. E
this is where the ideas that inspired the Nazis in their search for the perfect blood are to be found.
Basically, the book talks about the so-called root races that evolve with each "round of a globe", in other words, with each period of evolution of a planet. In each "round" seven "sub-races" emerge, derived from the root race. In the current period, we have the following races already identified:
Mindless or self-born: a race that emerged approximately 300 million years ago and lived on a continent identified as "The Sacred and Imperishable Island". Its components would be immense and have neither physical bodies nor minds, being ethereal creatures.
Its reproduction would occur like that of amoebas, by cisiparity. Because it wasn't mortal, it didn't disappear but became the next race. Boneless or born of sweat: a race of beings who lived on a continent called Hyperborea. They have a rudimentary mind, but have yet to demonstrate a connection between spirit and matter. When they finished their period of evolution, they became the next race. This and the previous one would be the Semi-divine Races. Lemiruana or egg-born: a race that lives on a continent called Lemuria. They were initially hermaphroditic and reproduced through an egg that came out of their bodies. During their evolution they went through great changes and, in the end, they became mortal and consolidated their bodies. became mortal and consolidated their physical body and their system of sexual reproduction. They became the next race.
Atlanteans: giants who lived 18 million years ago in Atlantis. They were the first people who could be called men. They are the mid-point of evolution in the current round. When Atlantis was destroyed by the cataclysm that dragged it to the bottom of the sea, its survivors founded the next race. the bottom of the sea, its survivors founded the next race.
Aryan: a race that would include the Hindus, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks and Europeans. Blavatsky describes it as follows as follows:
"The Aryan races, for example, vary from the swarthy, almost black, to the lightest, and yet they are all of the same
group (...), all coming from the same progenitor (...), who would have lived about 18 million years ago, and also about
850,000 years ago, at the time of the sinking of the great continent of Atlantis."
The Aryans have thus existed on Earth for around a million years.
Sixth: a race that would have originated from the evolution of the previous one and that would begin to develop, according to Blavatsky, from the United States. the United States. Thus, by the end of this round, two more races should emerge from the sixth. Only then will this period of evolution come to end. These same concepts were brought to the attention of the Nazis by a key figure in the esotericism that predominated at that time, called Guido Von at the time, called Guido Von List.
Runes: the last name to be mentioned in this introduction is that of Von List, who was a poet, journalist, writer and businessman, among other things. businessman, among other things. But his name will forever be marked in history as the occultist and völkisch author (a populist movement focussed on German folklore), as well as a "runesopher" (a kind of philosopher of the runes). He is the author of a book called Das Geheimnis der Runen (The Secret of the Runes), a detailed study of the Armanen Futharkh (or Germanic Runes).
Feb 24, 2024
View attachment 157The Thule Society was a German occult and nationalist organisation that existed before the rise of Nazism. The swastika was a symbol used by the Thule Society, but with a different orientation. In the Thule Society, the swastika was turned to the right, similar to the Nazi swastika, but tilted 45 degrees downwards. The Thule Society influenced some of the Nazi Party's leaders and ideologues, including Hitler, and is considered one of the initial influences on the development of Nazi ideology.
The difference in the orientation of swastikas (facing right or left) is mainly related to the cultural tradition and context in which they are used. The right-facing swastika is most commonly associated with Nazism and its ideals of racial supremacy and genocide. The left-facing swastika, like the one used by the Thule Society, has a different historical association and can be found in other cultural contexts, such as in some forms of Hinduism and Buddhism.
Other books followed, but it was The Secret Doctrine that established itself as his greatest literary work. Originally composed of two volumes, the work is intended to be "a synthesis of current scientific, philosophical and religious thought".
The first volume studies the evolution of the universe, while the second looks at the origin and evolution of humanity. E
this is where the ideas that inspired the Nazis in their search for the perfect blood are to be found.
Basically, the book talks about the so-called root races that evolve with each "round of a globe", in other words, with each period of evolution of a planet. In each "round" seven "sub-races" emerge, derived from the root race. In the current period, we have the following races already identified:
Mindless or self-born: a race that emerged approximately 300 million years ago and lived on a continent identified as "The Sacred and Imperishable Island". Its components would be immense and have neither physical bodies nor minds, being ethereal creatures.
Its reproduction would occur like that of amoebas, by cisiparity. Because it wasn't mortal, it didn't disappear but became the next race. Boneless or born of sweat: a race of beings who lived on a continent called Hyperborea. They have a rudimentary mind, but have yet to demonstrate a connection between spirit and matter. When they finished their period of evolution, they became the next race. This and the previous one would be the Semi-divine Races. Lemiruana or egg-born: a race that lives on a continent called Lemuria. They were initially hermaphroditic and reproduced through an egg that came out of their bodies. During their evolution they went through great changes and, in the end, they became mortal and consolidated their bodies. became mortal and consolidated their physical body and their system of sexual reproduction. They became the next race.
Atlanteans: giants who lived 18 million years ago in Atlantis. They were the first people who could be called men. They are the mid-point of evolution in the current round. When Atlantis was destroyed by the cataclysm that dragged it to the bottom of the sea, its survivors founded the next race. the bottom of the sea, its survivors founded the next race.
Aryan: a race that would include the Hindus, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks and Europeans. Blavatsky describes it as follows as follows:
"The Aryan races, for example, vary from the swarthy, almost black, to the lightest, and yet they are all of the same
group (...), all coming from the same progenitor (...), who would have lived about 18 million years ago, and also about
850,000 years ago, at the time of the sinking of the great continent of Atlantis."
The Aryans have thus existed on Earth for around a million years.
Sixth: a race that would have originated from the evolution of the previous one and that would begin to develop, according to Blavatsky, from the United States. the United States. Thus, by the end of this round, two more races should emerge from the sixth. Only then will this period of evolution come to end. These same concepts were brought to the attention of the Nazis by a key figure in the esotericism that predominated at that time, called Guido Von at the time, called Guido Von List.
Runes: the last name to be mentioned in this introduction is that of Von List, who was a poet, journalist, writer and businessman, among other things. businessman, among other things. But his name will forever be marked in history as the occultist and völkisch author (a populist movement focussed on German folklore), as well as a "runesopher" (a kind of philosopher of the runes). He is the author of a book called Das Geheimnis der Runen (The Secret of the Runes), a detailed study of the Armanen Futharkh (or Germanic Runes).
Good on you mate for posting this, there is a awesome documentary called "the occult history of the third reich" that mentions the thule society.
Forgive Me Father For I Have Sinned
Mar 1, 2024
Would you consider yourself an occultist, by any chance?
I'm an atheist, but I'm very interested in the occult and the study of religions in general. My interest began in 2014 when I read Joseph Campbell's "The Hero with a Thousand Faces". After that I started to look at religions a little more appreciation, I began to search for the reasons for certain doctrines, rituals, customs, etc. I generally avoid writing about religion because it's a subject that many people end up taking very personally, and depending on the word I use I can be perceived as intolerant or prejudiced. But since we have a part of the forum dedicated to discussing religion and philosophy, I felt free to do so.
Perhaps I'll write about Buddhism and Islam in the future, although my knowledge is more focused on Christianity and its variations.
There is a lot of knowledge and wisdom in traditional religions. Certain customs such as dowry, marriage, chastity and the like didn't come about simply because some religious leader saw fit to create them. Most of the time, there is no specific creator for these customs, they arise naturally as a response to some problem that the people may have experienced.
Obviously, the overwhelming majority of customs and traditions simply don't apply to me, as I live a completely different life to the people who have integrated these religions in the past. In any case, I find it interesting to see how modern society struggles with problems that were already addressed in the past but which, with the abandonment of traditions, have suffered again.
blank slate
Staff member
Feb 6, 2024
I generally avoid writing about religion because it's a subject that many people end up taking very personally, and depending on the word I use I can be perceived as intolerant or prejudiced. But since we have a part of the forum dedicated to discussing religion and philosophy, I felt free to do so.
Perhaps I'll write about Buddhism and Islam in the future, although my knowledge is more focused on Christianity and its variations.
Feel at ease to write whatever your thoughts and observations are about the topic. This is an impartial space where one can voice their opinions without prejudice.
There is a lot of knowledge and wisdom in traditional religions. Certain customs such as dowry, marriage, chastity and the like didn't come about simply because some religious leader saw fit to create them. Most of the time, there is no specific creator for these customs, they arise naturally as a response to some problem that the people may have experienced.
Obviously, the overwhelming majority of customs and traditions simply don't apply to me, as I live a completely different life to the people who have integrated these religions in the past. In any case, I find it interesting to see how modern society struggles with problems that were already addressed in the past but which, with the abandonment of traditions, have suffered again.
I likewise agree. It seems that the people of the modern era have forgotten the wisdom of ages past for various reasons, whether from extraneous factors outside of their own volition or just general ignorance.
So far there's no one here