Lifestyle What does an average day look like for you?

Lord over the sons of man
Staff member
Feb 24, 2024
I imagine a good amount of users here are NEETs, and in general, there are probably more commonalities between daily lives on here than differences, but I am still curious to hear some recounts.

Feel free to share.
It mainly consist of me staying in my room unless I see the need to get out other wise, from there I mainly watch documentaries about history of war. From there I will read wiki articles on my favorite topics like blitzkrieg, warfare, Fabian socialism and the like. I eat whatever I have and if I don't have food I go out and get fast food. The day is mostly spent in linear fashion.
Staff member
Oct 16, 2024
I guess the goon squad is lonely on .se

I might be the only member
Folk Hero
Aug 19, 2024
Wake up,
I like to read a lot of different books, such as nonfiction books about Physics, Metaphysics, Biology and so forth. I am not restricted to specific genres, just whatever looks intriguing. Currently I am reading Godel Escher Bach, and Deep Learning.
Currently trying to learn Mandarin too, because I am hoping to be adopted by a Chinese MILF when WW3 kicks off.
Then in the evenings I help family out with the chores like cooking, some days I will bake nice cakes.
Sometimes I will work out watching anime streamers play stupid anime games.
Go to sleep ludicrously late because I lack discipline.
So far there's no one here