Whitepill Whitepill Research

blank slate
Staff member
Feb 6, 2024
While Elysian Fields has it's main purpose as a social community, it also serves as a vessel for those dedicated few members who are interested in the further research and development of the Whitepill.

As Serge put it,
For those who have reached the point of accepting the Blackpill, the Whitepill is the next step. It is hardly known or understood, but I feel it is the next step in the ladder and we should be working on it.

So what should we be working on? Right now, I think Whitepillers should be working to develop, establish and put together a core set of cohesive theories which clearly elucidate what the Whitepill is. It would be also beneficial to refer to and draw upon a core body of other previous philosophies related to the Whitepill. Some examples include the work of the Existentialists, the Stoics, and the philosophies/religions of the Far East. Lastly, we should also be prepared to defend against and argue for our position in response to detractors in debate.
General Adolf SergeantAutist Mayweather Khan
Staff member
Mar 2, 2024
What's the white pill? I see different définitions everywhere
"Whitpill" is this supposed new level of enlightenment for guys who finally realize the true nature of existence. But of course, I wouldn’t expect someone like you to grasp the depths of it. As someone who's obviously spent way too much time researching this (unlike others), it’s this "higher" way of coping with the blackpill realities.

the Whitpill is when a guy just accepts everything—the harsh truths about society, hypergamy, Chad worship, and all that—as unchangeable but stops letting it destroy him. It’s like you reach this zen state where you no longer care about trying to fit into society’s rigged dating game. You just focus on improving yourself for yourself, but not in a bluepilled, "I’m gonna impress people" way. It’s more like, "I’ll level up, but I know it won’t matter in the grand scheme of things, so I might as well just laugh at the absurdity of it all."
Tabula Rasa @Tabula Rasa It's just my explanation
So far there's no one here