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While some incels dont believe in evolution because of theological beliefs, the current state of incels and male celibacy can be perfectly explained with it. Evolution is a concept that has no morals, no rules. Its about what works, and what assure the survival of the specie. Evolution is not always going in a direction that makes a specie better. In some way evolution can worsen the condition of a specie and might favour it as long as the thing is "good enough" that the genes can be passed on the offsprings.
This concept is present in animals in the idea of sexual selection. Sexual selection is the idea that the giver of life (woman) will select a genetic giver (men) based on phenotypes and physiology. In human, this means that women usually select better looking males. While this is caused by hormones made to assure the survival of the specie, its shallow in the sense that this sexual selection is not necessarily very deep in the selection of a high genetic makeup partner. Sexual selection in some way can select objectively worse genetics on the name of beauty. When a sexual selection is very strong in a specie, it will usually go in a decrease in genotypes that are not represented in the sexually selected phenotypes. What that means is that when looks become the main factor for selecting a partner, intelligence and everything else is no longer a factor in selecting a partner. Meaning realistically men are not gonna inherit intelligence or other traits. Men became taller in the 21st century because of that, women selected taller genomes for their children that made taller genetics spread more and more that resulted in humans being taller. Its also the reason why humans looks the way we do, why humans looks so different than every other specie. The existence of humans is a proof that looks are the identity of our specie. The simple fact is that we are weak, without any fur, and generally have flaws that go agaisnt our survival in a way. The perfect genetic specimen for survival would be a ugly ogre brute with insane muscles and shorter height. It is biologically true that shorter man live longer, the reason humans are so tall is because women selected men that way, not because its good to be tall. If natural evolution mattered in modern history, you wouldve seen human get shorter due to women choosing short men because its genetically better for a longer live, but this didnt happen. Human became taller when it is not advantageous for survival. But maybe at your surprise, I believe that natural selection was still important for most of our evolution. In a way the human brain didnt grow because of sexual selection. It grew because of natural selection.
200k years ago, humans were selected depending on survival. Ressources were sparse, rare and the men who were able to reproduce were the one who survived. But the more we progressed in that way, our brain grew stronger because of needs. Humans that were smarter were chosen because they were able to adapt and survive in their environment. At some point we became smart and that intelligence slowly made humans care about beauty. Our societies were self sustainaible because our intelligence made it possible to fullfill basic needs without constant need of survival. With agriculture we had time for ourselves, natural selection slowly became a thing of the past because human invention were able to entirely remove its point. The modern human can live anywhere and kill anything because of our intelligence, meaning physical strenght is no longer being selected. We started to value art, and appreciate things in a non practical way. A piece of art doesnt have a use, but humans started to care about it even if its useless. I believe that once this happened human evolution changed in a different way. We didnt need to only care about survival, our brain grew needs of simply enjoying something. The needs of beauty made it so women started to care about it, because perception of beauty was now a important thing in our specie. Women started to care about beauty as a factor, they started to want more than just a man who can survive. They wanted something with beauty. What you can find with humans is that with time we became better and better looking. Our skulls grew more proportionates and better to look at. We developed traits such as good looking muscles insertions and generally well proportioned body. Our jaw became weaker but better to look at. All of this is result of women deciding to choose men with these characteristics. It explains all of modern human history and why we are not smarter than we were 1000 years ago. The only difference we have with our ancestor is beauty. They were shorter and generally had less beautiful traits. All of this is caused by women caring about looks. If women didnt care about looks, this wouldn’t have happened.
The simple fact is that if beauty didnt matter, we would be all ugly. If height didnt matter, we would be all short. If personality mattered, domestic violence would go down. The truth is that if selection of partner was based on a theological morality meaning women would choose men depending on their genetic thinking. What would happen is that the specie would go that way. The more and more hypergamy grows with dating apps, the more human greatness will fade. The shallow sexual selection that women have been doing is the reason of so many problems. Current societies sees a decline in morality and rise in degeneracy because women do not care about it. Simple fact is that if feminism was true, and women wanted non violent and kind men, they wouldve chosen them for their offsprings. Meaning with time, such aggressive behaviour would not be there because such genetics causing would be chosen, and as a result domestic violence would decline to very low stades. The more and more our society grows into a hypergamy based on shallow phenotypes, the more the non shallow things will disappear. I believe that humans will grow dumber, more violent but better looking with time. At some point if that hypergamy never stops, humans will end up looking so good that survival will be hard and painful. Life expectancy will lower, and I see that humans might simply go extinct because of it. In some way, our intelligence and need for shallow things affected the rest.
This concept is present in animals in the idea of sexual selection. Sexual selection is the idea that the giver of life (woman) will select a genetic giver (men) based on phenotypes and physiology. In human, this means that women usually select better looking males. While this is caused by hormones made to assure the survival of the specie, its shallow in the sense that this sexual selection is not necessarily very deep in the selection of a high genetic makeup partner. Sexual selection in some way can select objectively worse genetics on the name of beauty. When a sexual selection is very strong in a specie, it will usually go in a decrease in genotypes that are not represented in the sexually selected phenotypes. What that means is that when looks become the main factor for selecting a partner, intelligence and everything else is no longer a factor in selecting a partner. Meaning realistically men are not gonna inherit intelligence or other traits. Men became taller in the 21st century because of that, women selected taller genomes for their children that made taller genetics spread more and more that resulted in humans being taller. Its also the reason why humans looks the way we do, why humans looks so different than every other specie. The existence of humans is a proof that looks are the identity of our specie. The simple fact is that we are weak, without any fur, and generally have flaws that go agaisnt our survival in a way. The perfect genetic specimen for survival would be a ugly ogre brute with insane muscles and shorter height. It is biologically true that shorter man live longer, the reason humans are so tall is because women selected men that way, not because its good to be tall. If natural evolution mattered in modern history, you wouldve seen human get shorter due to women choosing short men because its genetically better for a longer live, but this didnt happen. Human became taller when it is not advantageous for survival. But maybe at your surprise, I believe that natural selection was still important for most of our evolution. In a way the human brain didnt grow because of sexual selection. It grew because of natural selection.
200k years ago, humans were selected depending on survival. Ressources were sparse, rare and the men who were able to reproduce were the one who survived. But the more we progressed in that way, our brain grew stronger because of needs. Humans that were smarter were chosen because they were able to adapt and survive in their environment. At some point we became smart and that intelligence slowly made humans care about beauty. Our societies were self sustainaible because our intelligence made it possible to fullfill basic needs without constant need of survival. With agriculture we had time for ourselves, natural selection slowly became a thing of the past because human invention were able to entirely remove its point. The modern human can live anywhere and kill anything because of our intelligence, meaning physical strenght is no longer being selected. We started to value art, and appreciate things in a non practical way. A piece of art doesnt have a use, but humans started to care about it even if its useless. I believe that once this happened human evolution changed in a different way. We didnt need to only care about survival, our brain grew needs of simply enjoying something. The needs of beauty made it so women started to care about it, because perception of beauty was now a important thing in our specie. Women started to care about beauty as a factor, they started to want more than just a man who can survive. They wanted something with beauty. What you can find with humans is that with time we became better and better looking. Our skulls grew more proportionates and better to look at. We developed traits such as good looking muscles insertions and generally well proportioned body. Our jaw became weaker but better to look at. All of this is result of women deciding to choose men with these characteristics. It explains all of modern human history and why we are not smarter than we were 1000 years ago. The only difference we have with our ancestor is beauty. They were shorter and generally had less beautiful traits. All of this is caused by women caring about looks. If women didnt care about looks, this wouldn’t have happened.
The simple fact is that if beauty didnt matter, we would be all ugly. If height didnt matter, we would be all short. If personality mattered, domestic violence would go down. The truth is that if selection of partner was based on a theological morality meaning women would choose men depending on their genetic thinking. What would happen is that the specie would go that way. The more and more hypergamy grows with dating apps, the more human greatness will fade. The shallow sexual selection that women have been doing is the reason of so many problems. Current societies sees a decline in morality and rise in degeneracy because women do not care about it. Simple fact is that if feminism was true, and women wanted non violent and kind men, they wouldve chosen them for their offsprings. Meaning with time, such aggressive behaviour would not be there because such genetics causing would be chosen, and as a result domestic violence would decline to very low stades. The more and more our society grows into a hypergamy based on shallow phenotypes, the more the non shallow things will disappear. I believe that humans will grow dumber, more violent but better looking with time. At some point if that hypergamy never stops, humans will end up looking so good that survival will be hard and painful. Life expectancy will lower, and I see that humans might simply go extinct because of it. In some way, our intelligence and need for shallow things affected the rest.
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