Success You are nothing more than an archetype, thus you are nothing. You have existed countless times in this life.

Be As You Are
Oct 7, 2024
In the end all patterns repeat themselves, all human archetypes and symbolims repeat themselves because they are influenced by biological phenomena and the agreggates of experience, feelings, emotions, and knowledge. No one has ever existed per se, what exists are the mental creations that they have made of themselves, an unique combination of biological phenomena and the previously named aggregates. That's why maybe we are all unique in some sense. The lie and the illusion that we all tell ourselves is that this human archetype is permanent, but we are not noticing how all of the previously named things are influencing the creation of new archetypes within our lives. We all live them and experience them until we break our attachment to them by realizing our true nature: nothingness.

Each of the consequent identities derived from the experiences traversed by this archetype derive in a set of needs and attachments to things and people. The ego arises in its clinging and asks: “Then what am I, what am I, what do I do?". Nothing. There has never been a need to do anything in particular, nor to be anything in particular. That is the illusion to be broken, that we are the attachments, the needs, and the desires; we are not that because we are not anything in particular. The truth is that we don't need to be anything or do anything in particular to be happy and complete. Remember your true nature: none. In one identity you cling to this, and in another you cling to some patterns of thought. Thoughts come and go—come and go to convince you that you are this and that and therefore you have these needs and these attachments. You are nothing, simple realization and consequently disappearance of needs and attachments.

It's possible you have exited countless times in space-time; other humans who possibly shared the same aggregates and biological phenomena ended up thinking in the same way as you think. Behave exactly the same, and everything you want to think about.

That's when I asked myself the question: "What am I then?". I told myself: "You are simply nothing! Stop clinging to all these identities". There is nowhere to go, there is nothing to do, there is nothing to be, there is nothing to nothing.

That's all, nothing.
blank slate
Staff member
Feb 6, 2024
Yeah. I sometimes wonder whether the beliefs and thoughts that I have, as well as my overall self-identity are entirely endemic to myself. This is a reply I made to an older thread which kind of touches on this.
While on paper, all individuals are biologically 'unique', people (some to a lesser degree than others), tend to fall into the same archetypes or tropes that have persisted since the beginning of humanity, almost manufactured off assembly lines... I don't think one can be entirely original.
If I am really 'nothing', a character that has been repeated many times previously before, I guess I can only view myself as a vessel of experience; while I'm alive, I'm an observer of life and this reality through the senses.
Be As You Are
Oct 7, 2024
Yeah. I sometimes wonder whether the beliefs and thoughts that I have, as well as my overall self-identity are entirely endemic to myself. This is a reply I made to an older thread which kind of touches on this.

If I am really 'nothing', a character that has been repeated many times previously before, I guess I can only view myself as a vessel of experience; while I'm alive, I'm an observer of life and this reality through the senses.
Curiously, while reading this comment I felt my ego hurt because I thought you were gonna disagree with me. Clearly, I'm egocentric yet. :explode:

Back to the point. Yeah, I guess we can see ourselves as a empty box that receives things, and based on that we produce our typical emotional, feeling and thinking patterns associated to the present archetype. There is nothing wrong with this, the point is just being aware when this box starts producing detrimental things based on the input. Some sort of function where its domain is the set of all phenomena, and the output is the set of all feelings, thoughts, and sensations.
Be As You Are
Oct 7, 2024
Yeah. I sometimes wonder whether the beliefs and thoughts that I have, as well as my overall self-identity are entirely endemic to myself. This is a reply I made to an older thread which kind of touches on this.

If I am really 'nothing', a character that has been repeated many times previously before, I guess I can only view myself as a vessel of experience; while I'm alive, I'm an observer of life and this reality through the senses.
Maybe, this "vessel of experience" is what is considered the soul under christian theology.
So far there's no one here