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Peet Neet

just stuck n acetyl semax amidate up my nose


Group owner
so far effects just to just be the enhanced focus from suppression of DMN you'd see with memantine, nic, sunifram etc. probably needs to accumilate for a bit during cycle for the type of broad-spectrum intelligence gains, or at least for them to be readily apparent. don't see the use in cognitive testing when something like increased vocabulary should be obviously noticeable during word composition
Vit d plus semax plus amph should be mogger. Something to protect dopaminergic neurons maybe amantadine or something.

Chat gpt says anavar is the best for fat loss and doesn't suppress t if done 4 week cycle 20 mg ed. I also got dnp but I want to see if anavar gives me androgenic mindset no matter how subtle


Group owner
maybe agmantine is neuroprotective, similar effects and syngergistic to amantadine too

theoretically ostraine (weakest common sarm) which is non suppressive if done in a month works by allowing starvation diet w/o muscle loss but i dont know many female natty bodybuilders
Insane cortisol lowering effect from mk4, slight thermogenic effect which feels really good. I eat a lot of cottage cheese and dairy , I don't know how I got deficient if that's the reason, or RDA is just too low. I took 500 mg mk4 100 mg mk7 and 1000 mg k1 i think


Group owner
Insane cortisol lowering effect from mk4, slight thermogenic effect which feels really good. I eat a lot of cottage cheese and dairy , I don't know how I got deficient if that's the reason, or RDA is just too low. I took 500 mg mk4 100 mg mk7 and 1000 mg k1 i think
some people say it help with sleep

stack with aspirin and you can increase your dosage of aspirin to over a gram without getting paper cuts from napkins, double effect
I may do that , uncoupling to lose weight. Although I'm worried about hyperammonia from aspirin , do you know any good ammonia clearing agents I heard sodium benzoate but don't know much about . Although should prolly only be concern after a month


Group owner
i used to raise betta fish, the minnow sized ones from southeast asia that can fight and get taught to do tricks for food. you have to manage the water to prevent the buildup of ammonia cuz thats what in fish piss. methylene blue brand i use is fish medicine that can treat hyperammonemia which is where i first encountered it


Group owner
yeah DNP works but you have to limit diet during otherwise you eat slop enough to make up for the burning, and you have to make sure you dont revert to your set point afterwards. which can be difficult without incentive and in wrong enviroment, in himilyas probably has the highest chance of success


Group owner

like this thread lol

maybe we should invite him in