Theory Cognitive function compatibility could be the answer to sustainable long term relationships.

Introverted Intuition
Mar 3, 2024
INB4 anyone says anything; Yes, Step 1: Be good looking, always.

This is water, but as it has been discussed before looks only opens the doors for you, you need a good personality to keep a relationship sustainable.
Now let me dissect what is meant by having a "good personality". As we know the modern pseudoscientific "MBTI" system is not reliable, however the cognitive functions that Carl Jung invented are insights which hold a lot of credibility and legitimacy. People whose dynamics clash are not because of "bad personalities" but simply incompatible cognitive function stacks, some stacks compliment eachother much better than others.

There will be people here saying "but a long term relationship is cope bro, slaying mogs", well then, if that is your perspective then this thread is not for you and you should just click away. After you reach a decent looks tier where you are dateable, my suggestion is to seek women with compatible cognitive function stacks. Notice how (not only in sexual dynamics, if anything mainly in platonic ones) you tend to "just click" with some individuals meanwhile you tend to very quickly feel an uncomfortable resistance towards other peoples demeanors. This is because of your cognitive functions either attracting or repelling against eachother. There are eight cognitive functions and you use four of them in your normal stack, what you should do is get a girl with a compatible stack to yours.

First let us look at an example: Me. What cognitive functions do I use? (Also mogs 16 personalities).

I am very Ni heavy, also with strong Te and Fi. These are signs that I am an INTJ. Now who would an INTJ benefit from dating? Mainly ENFPs.
My (INTJ) cognitive function stack is: Ni-Te-Fi-Se.
The ENFP cognitive function stack is: Ne-Fi-Te-Si.
This is great because it is both complimentary and fulfilling.
We both use an N function as our dominant function as well as having Te/Fi in our aux/ter spots dynamically.
What this means is we both have a similar way of doing things (likeminded dynamic) while our cores completes their respective weaknesses.
This allows for us to bring out the best in eachother.
When you are going to be lifelong partners a good dynamic is necessary.


If you wonder how to get a girl where your relationship will be sustainable (if there aren't any SMV discrepancies), then figuring out your cognitive function stack is my best suggestion to determine a long term success. Don't take 16 personalities and trust that, instead deep dive in cognitive functions and find your own answers. I truly believe that this type of compatibility is the most socially/mentally tangible one that you can use to your benefit for a sustainable LTR.

If you happen to already know your cognitive function stack (as well as your type in dichotomy), then just use this chart for a general feel of what you should be searching for:

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