Destroyers of the Potential For Legacy

Introverted Intuition
Mar 3, 2024
Destroyers of the Potential For Legacy

Why I chose this name is important to note, it's a distinction from "Destroyers of Legacy". Destroyers of legacy come in many shapes and forms and have already been established many times on how to be dealt with. But if you want to achieve greatness you must choke the threat down by its beginning, most great people die before becoming great, just imagine how many great people were lost due to being choked down from becoming who they were meant to be. Hence why my guide is called "Destroyers of the Potential For Legacy".

These are my insights into what hinders men from achieving an immortal, great, and original legacy. See this as a miniature The Prince by Niccoló Machiavelli, instead of showing you what mistakes to avoid and how to rule a kingdom, I will show you what mistakes to avoid and how to rule yourself by creating something original.
I start this off by saying, this is only a guide for those inherently comprehending what I am about to say. This desire can not be given from one man to another, you must be born with the desire for a legacy.


What do you value more?

Do you value achieving an original immortal legacy OR living as the average normal man with a 9-5, wife and kids, and then being content?

I have noticed that the individuals of the former group are few and far between, they are so thoroughly consumed by the idea of achieving something original that nothing comes in the way of it. The people of the latter group comprise the majority of the population. There is nothing wrong with belonging to it, we can't all be introspective thinkers trying to change the world, isolating ourselves from the rest, and looking into a future other people are unaware of. One thing I noticed is that no amount of rationalization or explanation can make people of the latter group COMPREHEND this fundamental desire.
If you don't relate to what I just spoke of, stop reading here since you are of the masses; Enjoy your wife, children, and 9-5, I wish you the best, sincerely.

Now for those of you who need advice on how not to fall into a pit if you are desiring to achieve greatness, achieve an immortal, original, and great legacy.
It doesn't matter if you desire to invent a technology, become a philosopher, or create beautiful art. I am here for all my spiritual vagrants.

I: The ingredients required for an immortal, great, and original legacy

Not everyone will even have a built in desire to achieve a great legacy, and for those that do you must have certain aspects of your personhood to help you on the way. To try and build a legacy as a man of low sentience is like trying to run a marathon as a cripple. You either have it or you don't.
Here are my findings on the three core qualities necessary in order of establishing an immortal, great, and original legacy. Whether the legacy is for you or for others doesn't matter.

1. The capacity for original thought.
This skill is self explanatory, if you can do nothing but reiterating previous findings you will never create something original. Nothing is more pathetic than the man incapable of figuring out something original while thinking he will achieve greatness. Whatever legacy you pursue it must be original, be it an invention, a philosophy, or a piece of art.

2. The ability to extract and draw immense amounts of insight, wisdom, and ideas out of surprisingly little information, experience, and stimuli.
This is a skill I never see spoken of anywhere, but it is absolutely necessary for anyone trying to achieve something new. It reminds me of what Lex Luthor said; the separation of normies and historical figures: "Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe." How can the inventor see what technology is necessary and demanded, the philosopher figure out what the world needs to learn and realize, and the artist figure out what people need to feel and express, if not for this skill helping them understand more of the world around them than everyone else.

3. The skill of articulating your connected findings.
It does not matter how many impressionistic conceptual ideas you can come up with if none of them can ever come out of your mouth or onto a paper. I have had so many glimpses of conceptual greatness lost into the abyss because I couldn't find the right words to put them down into the world. Whether this is an invention, a philosophical insight, or a premise for a story, if you can't portray what you see in your mind you will never let it into the world.

II: Understand that you are different

As I stated previously; "no amount of rationalization or explanation can make people of the latter group COMPREHEND this fundamental desire."
The opposite of this holds true, and be sure to face that fact, just how you can't convince them to strive for an ideal they will feed you with propaganda to move within the framework since they are equally as alien to you as you are to them. Only difference is you are not the majority, so you are wrong. You are wrong until you are right, and it is your type of people that tends to be right, see so far into the future at something hidden to others that they deem you crazy, meanwhile 100 years later understanding that you were right. Whether your technology revolutionizes the world, your insights shake peoples worldviews, or your art touches the hearts of the world, you will do it because you are different, not because you are like the rest.

Just how Nikola Tesla invented alternating current, how Friedrich Nietzsche predicted how the world would react to losing God from their status quo, and how Fyodor Dostoevsky back in Russia predicted the entire lifespan and arc of communism in Demons, these thinkers will in their lifespans be seen as crazy but time will always prove them right. My conclusion and advice here for you reading is to not be ashamed of being different, the peer pressure and desire to fit in may be strong in times of uncertainty. When you see everyone happy with living the way they do you might just lie to yourself enough that you believe that their path is the right for you as well. Or even worse you may start thinking something is wrong with you. But it is when you conform to normalcy that you lose your aspiration to achieve originality. Do not ever let the masses convince you that it's better to suppress your unique worldview just because it does not fit in. Fitting in means to chop off the pieces of your silhouette that are not shaped as the mold is, but those pieces may be made out of gold.

III: Women, jobs, and other distractions

I know some will now see this and think: "They (the great originals) were incels who couldn't get laid and you are coping!" As if hedonism and sex will ever be the peak of any existence (hypocrisy, since as I stated at the start of this guide that hedonism and sex is the peak existence for the vast majority and that most will be content with something lesser, but if they did not leave at the first disclaimer, then this is the second and last). Everything that is at its peak in the moment of the existence's conception is unworthy of being remembered. Things that gain value with age are the things worth clinging to, whether these be inventions being improved upon, philosophy getting expanded upon, or art getting thoroughly understood and enjoyed as it was intended to. Things improving as they age are the things that a great, original thinker should look for.

Women are dangerous. That is as simple as I can get. Women are incredibly dangerous. The amount of men my age who got a woman in their lives and lost all aspiration, along with their looks, just a few years afterwards made me very cautious of women. I now reject all female attention given me, I have rejected multiple relationships from taking a bite into my dream. Seeing what it did to those around me made me understand that if you desire to achieve greatness, you must ONLY allow a woman into your life AFTER your legacy has already been established. Remember, despite your difference and capacity for original thought along with the rest of your skills, you are merely a man of flesh and blood. If you get a woman early in your life she will sedate you with her loving feminine touch and you will fall into an indolent coma where you grow blind to your concepts. Vipers. Although there are exceptions, you should be safe rather than sorry.

Jobs are restrictive. They call it wageslaving for a reason. What you sell is your time. I have none other to speak about this than the poet Charles Bukowski in an interview he did:

"Barbet Schroeder: You say that starving doesn’t create art, that it creates many things, but mainly creates time.
Charles Bukowski: Oh yeah, well, hey that’s very basic. I hate to use up your film to say this, but you know, if you work an eight hour job, you’re gonna get 55 cents an hour. If you stay home you’re not going to get any money, but you’re gonna have time to write things down on paper. I guess I was one of those rarities of our modern times who did starve for his art. I really starved, you know, to have a 24 hour day un-intruded upon by other people. I gave up food, I gave up everything, just to – I was a nut, I was dedicated. But you see, the problem is, you can be a dedicated nut and not be able to do it. Dedication without talent is useless."

To choke up your time and most of all dedication into a job will steal so much of your time and dreams. You must decide whether it is really worth it to make money at a steady rate instead of working towards your goal.

The difference between the normie and the pursuer of legacy is that when you give the normie unlimited resources he will use them to increase the hedonism in his life by allowing himself to get more eaten up and engrained by the world around him than ever before. But when you give the pursuer of legacy unlimited resources he will put it all towards his ideas so that he can engrain himself more into the world than ever before. That is the distinction.

Now for the other distractions, this is everything not related to women in your life or work. Things that eat up your time and mind will make you focus on things other than that which you should focus on. This is more important in this age than ever, there is no time in history where distractions will take up as much of your time as now. There has never before been a time in history where you have been offered as many distractions as now. Whether it's porn, video games, scrolling social media. All of these things will eat up your time, time is your most valuable resource. Delete every app from your phone that is not necessary. Stop scrolling.

I'd argue hobbies that aren't helping you specifically are to be cut out as well. All sports should be cut out of your schedule. Only physical training such as cardio and hypertrophy alternatively strength training should be allowed time of day since these increase your intelligence and capabilities as a biomechanical machine. Watching content for its sole purpose of enjoyment is to be cut out. If you desire to create art, then study it intently and the mechanics behind it. If you want to be an actor or filmmaker, study film as a way of learning. If you try to invent, go to those respective fields and understand what people built before it. Everything that you know is eating up time from you should be cut out instantly.

Now I hope to have equipped the aspiring pursuer of an immortal, original, and great legacy with enough understanding of the very general traps and destroyers of your potential for achieving greatness which one may bump into in this modern world.. I have nothing more to say.

@Bitter @Tabula Rasa @Omegalore @Myst @UglyBastard @PointOfNoReturn
Former happy person
Mar 2, 2024
Destroyers of the Potential For Legacy

Why I chose this name is important to note, it's a distinction from "Destroyers of Legacy". Destroyers of legacy come in many shapes and forms and have already been established many times on how to be dealt with. But if you want to achieve greatness you must choke the threat down by its beginning, most great people die before becoming great, just imagine how many great people were lost due to being choked down from becoming who they were meant to be. Hence why my guide is called "Destroyers of the Potential For Legacy".

These are my insights into what hinders men from achieving an immortal, great, and original legacy. See this as a miniature The Prince by Niccoló Machiavelli, instead of showing you what mistakes to avoid and how to rule a kingdom, I will show you what mistakes to avoid and how to rule yourself by creating something original.
I start this off by saying, this is only a guide for those inherently comprehending what I am about to say. This desire can not be given from one man to another, you must be born with the desire for a legacy.


What do you value more?

Do you value achieving an original immortal legacy OR living as the average normal man with a 9-5, wife and kids, and then being content?

I have noticed that the individuals of the former group are few and far between, they are so thoroughly consumed by the idea of achieving something original that nothing comes in the way of it. The people of the latter group comprise the majority of the population. There is nothing wrong with belonging to it, we can't all be introspective thinkers trying to change the world, isolating ourselves from the rest, and looking into a future other people are unaware of. One thing I noticed is that no amount of rationalization or explanation can make people of the latter group COMPREHEND this fundamental desire.
If you don't relate to what I just spoke of, stop reading here since you are of the masses; Enjoy your wife, children, and 9-5, I wish you the best, sincerely.

Now for those of you who need advice on how not to fall into a pit if you are desiring to achieve greatness, achieve an immortal, original, and great legacy.
It doesn't matter if you desire to invent a technology, become a philosopher, or create beautiful art. I am here for all my spiritual vagrants.

I: The ingredients required for an immortal, great, and original legacy

Not everyone will even have a built in desire to achieve a great legacy, and for those that do you must have certain aspects of your personhood to help you on the way. To try and build a legacy as a man of low sentience is like trying to run a marathon as a cripple. You either have it or you don't.
Here are my findings on the three core qualities necessary in order of establishing an immortal, great, and original legacy. Whether the legacy is for you or for others doesn't matter.

1. The capacity for original thought.
This skill is self explanatory, if you can do nothing but reiterating previous findings you will never create something original. Nothing is more pathetic than the man incapable of figuring out something original while thinking he will achieve greatness. Whatever legacy you pursue it must be original, be it an invention, a philosophy, or a piece of art.

2. The ability to extract and draw immense amounts of insight, wisdom, and ideas out of surprisingly little information, experience, and stimuli.
This is a skill I never see spoken of anywhere, but it is absolutely necessary for anyone trying to achieve something new. It reminds me of what Lex Luthor said; the separation of normies and historical figures: "Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe." How can the inventor see what technology is necessary and demanded, the philosopher figure out what the world needs to learn and realize, and the artist figure out what people need to feel and express, if not for this skill helping them understand more of the world around them than everyone else.

3. The skill of articulating your connected findings.
It does not matter how many impressionistic conceptual ideas you can come up with if none of them can ever come out of your mouth or onto a paper. I have had so many glimpses of conceptual greatness lost into the abyss because I couldn't find the right words to put them down into the world. Whether this is an invention, a philosophical insight, or a premise for a story, if you can't portray what you see in your mind you will never let it into the world.

II: Understand that you are different

As I stated previously; "no amount of rationalization or explanation can make people of the latter group COMPREHEND this fundamental desire."
The opposite of this holds true, and be sure to face that fact, just how you can't convince them to strive for an ideal they will feed you with propaganda to move within the framework since they are equally as alien to you as you are to them. Only difference is you are not the majority, so you are wrong. You are wrong until you are right, and it is your type of people that tends to be right, see so far into the future at something hidden to others that they deem you crazy, meanwhile 100 years later understanding that you were right. Whether your technology revolutionizes the world, your insights shake peoples worldviews, or your art touches the hearts of the world, you will do it because you are different, not because you are like the rest.

Just how Nikola Tesla invented alternating current, how Friedrich Nietzsche predicted how the world would react to losing God from their status quo, and how Fyodor Dostoevsky back in Russia predicted the entire lifespan and arc of communism in Demons, these thinkers will in their lifespans be seen as crazy but time will always prove them right. My conclusion and advice here for you reading is to not be ashamed of being different, the peer pressure and desire to fit in may be strong in times of uncertainty. When you see everyone happy with living the way they do you might just lie to yourself enough that you believe that their path is the right for you as well. Or even worse you may start thinking something is wrong with you. But it is when you conform to normalcy that you lose your aspiration to achieve originality. Do not ever let the masses convince you that it's better to suppress your unique worldview just because it does not fit in. Fitting in means to chop off the pieces of your silhouette that are not shaped as the mold is, but those pieces may be made out of gold.

III: Women, jobs, and other distractions

I know some will now see this and think: "They (the great originals) were incels who couldn't get laid and you are coping!" As if hedonism and sex will ever be the peak of any existence (hypocrisy, since as I stated at the start of this guide that hedonism and sex is the peak existence for the vast majority and that most will be content with something lesser, but if they did not leave at the first disclaimer, then this is the second and last). Everything that is at its peak in the moment of the existence's conception is unworthy of being remembered. Things that gain value with age are the things worth clinging to, whether these be inventions being improved upon, philosophy getting expanded upon, or art getting thoroughly understood and enjoyed as it was intended to. Things improving as they age are the things that a great, original thinker should look for.

Women are dangerous. That is as simple as I can get. Women are incredibly dangerous. The amount of men my age who got a woman in their lives and lost all aspiration, along with their looks, just a few years afterwards made me very cautious of women. I now reject all female attention given me, I have rejected multiple relationships from taking a bite into my dream. Seeing what it did to those around me made me understand that if you desire to achieve greatness, you must ONLY allow a woman into your life AFTER your legacy has already been established. Remember, despite your difference and capacity for original thought along with the rest of your skills, you are merely a man of flesh and blood. If you get a woman early in your life she will sedate you with her loving feminine touch and you will fall into an indolent coma where you grow blind to your concepts. Vipers. Although there are exceptions, you should be safe rather than sorry.

Jobs are restrictive. They call it wageslaving for a reason. What you sell is your time. I have none other to speak about this than the poet Charles Bukowski in an interview he did:

"Barbet Schroeder: You say that starving doesn’t create art, that it creates many things, but mainly creates time.
Charles Bukowski: Oh yeah, well, hey that’s very basic. I hate to use up your film to say this, but you know, if you work an eight hour job, you’re gonna get 55 cents an hour. If you stay home you’re not going to get any money, but you’re gonna have time to write things down on paper. I guess I was one of those rarities of our modern times who did starve for his art. I really starved, you know, to have a 24 hour day un-intruded upon by other people. I gave up food, I gave up everything, just to – I was a nut, I was dedicated. But you see, the problem is, you can be a dedicated nut and not be able to do it. Dedication without talent is useless."

To choke up your time and most of all dedication into a job will steal so much of your time and dreams. You must decide whether it is really worth it to make money at a steady rate instead of working towards your goal.

The difference between the normie and the pursuer of legacy is that when you give the normie unlimited resources he will use them to increase the hedonism in his life by allowing himself to get more eaten up and engrained by the world around him than ever before. But when you give the pursuer of legacy unlimited resources he will put it all towards his ideas so that he can engrain himself more into the world than ever before. That is the distinction.

Now for the other distractions, this is everything not related to women in your life or work. Things that eat up your time and mind will make you focus on things other than that which you should focus on. This is more important in this age than ever, there is no time in history where distractions will take up as much of your time as now. There has never before been a time in history where you have been offered as many distractions as now. Whether it's porn, video games, scrolling social media. All of these things will eat up your time, time is your most valuable resource. Delete every app from your phone that is not necessary. Stop scrolling.

I'd argue hobbies that aren't helping you specifically are to be cut out as well. All sports should be cut out of your schedule. Only physical training such as cardio and hypertrophy alternatively strength training should be allowed time of day since these increase your intelligence and capabilities as a biomechanical machine. Watching content for its sole purpose of enjoyment is to be cut out. If you desire to create art, then study it intently and the mechanics behind it. If you want to be an actor or filmmaker, study film as a way of learning. If you try to invent, go to those respective fields and understand what people built before it. Everything that you know is eating up time from you should be cut out instantly.

Now I hope to have equipped the aspiring pursuer of an immortal, original, and great legacy with enough understanding of the very general traps and destroyers of your potential for achieving greatness which one may bump into in this modern world.. I have nothing more to say.

@Bitter @Tabula Rasa @Omegalore @Myst @UglyBastard @PointOfNoReturn
Introverted Intuition
Mar 3, 2024
Whatever your place in the divine order is. Only fate knows that.
I think it is somewhat perceptible since it is the primary driver for jealousy (is my extended theory). Looks envy is not as high - or rather has not affected me as much - as "unconscious hierarchal" envy, with lack for a better term. People have been jealous of me my entire life when I'm not particularly good looking. This is mostly reiterated back to sentience though according to my experience.