Discussion Do you think people are becoming less empathetic?

Feb 1, 2025
Personally, I don't think so. But I'm not too sure.

Scrolling through social media, it's very discouraging seeing how incredibly widespread a complete absence of empathy seems to have become. Young people are being propped up in their judgement of others, irrespective of the pain of those they judge, and it's a vicious state of affairs where everyone is clearly suffering, but nobody seems to be able to break through the allure of bashing others as opposed to acknowledging our collective misery.

Lord over the sons of man
Staff member
Feb 24, 2024
Personally, I don't think so. But I'm not too sure.

Scrolling through social media, it's very discouraging seeing how incredibly widespread a complete absence of empathy seems to have become. Young people are being propped up in their judgement of others, irrespective of the pain of those they judge, and it's a vicious state of affairs where everyone is clearly suffering, but nobody seems to be able to break through the allure of bashing others as opposed to acknowledging our collective misery.

Krisis, considering the current state of affairs we are faced with an awkward dilemma. The people of today are no different then their ancestors the people of then were brutish, liars and bland most of all they were cowards because they never sought after anything greater than a comfortable paycheck; all that we do today and the booming technology of the 90's is merely the young building in his Gurage the computers that we use today are but builders of the same structure only making efficient the current super-structure they existed in at that time. What we see today maybe the result of traumas unforgiven or recognized, lies perpetuated and not sedated and cured, horror's which we carry today because our ancestors then did not look well within the mirror when it was evident that they had time and misused it miserably. I have no excuse, you have no excuse, we have no excuse, they have no excuse to justify the current and past horror's of today.

We may very well believe it is okay to bash the skull of another without mercy and yet when the time comes for them to experience the same fate, the demons of the underworld laugh and applaud at the coming of another soul who never learned and are as they, brutish, parasitic, deformed and sorry. Man has learned the bare minimum, wielding barbarically tools which have given him opportunity and instead uses it to form his own bands of barbaric animals- taking technology and intellect and weaponizing it against his own kind, forcing his own people to live and act like cattle, then kicking them in the stomach after he has broken their legs.

When we were children we feared darkness and sought after the light, now we enjoy darkness and shun the light, people wear facade's and when they soul search find that they are vapid, formless and aimless in their being as if to be smoke vapor. We became this way and taught one another that this is an acceptable way to live, we think no greater because we are afraid to speak up, the power is in the hands of the idiotic demons and yet no one has learned that they are soulless idiot's who's only tactic is on the reliance on the masses.
Folk Hero
Aug 19, 2024
I think people are more empathetic than ever, but technology making socialization optional and dissolution of community/family values have made people more isolated. I think people can be more empathetic while also being less invested in the people around them.
Otaku Culture
Dec 25, 2024
I think people are more empathetic than ever, but technology making socialization optional and dissolution of community/family values have made people more isolated. I think people can be more empathetic while also being less invested in the people around them.
I don't think hating your neighbors while caring more about people you'll never have to interact with is considered empathic.
Should I make a talk to women tutorial?
Dec 15, 2024
I don’t know, it does seem like it on social media. But when I go outside, people are usually nice and will listen to what I want to say unless what I’m saying passes their boundaries. Outside, whenever I have a problem, people offer to help and I do the same when they need it (within reason of course).
Otaku Culture
Dec 25, 2024
I don’t know, it does seem like it on social media. But when I go outside, people are usually nice and will listen to what I want to say unless what I’m saying passes their boundaries. Outside, whenever I have a problem, people offer to help and I do the same when they need it (within reason of course).
I don't go outside so no comment
Feb 1, 2025
I don’t know, it does seem like it on social media. But when I go outside, people are usually nice and will listen to what I want to say unless what I’m saying passes their boundaries. Outside, whenever I have a problem, people offer to help and I do the same when they need it (within reason of course).
People who have fully integrated themselves into reality tend to be decent.
Nov 6, 2024
I think real empathy is very rare, regardless of time period.

Very few people can put themselves in other people's shoes.

Even many parents will not be empathetic towards their kids problems, because it would hurt their ego knowing that they might be to blame for them.
So far there's no one here