Essay The earth was created less than 10,000 years ago

"My mercy prevails over my wrath"
Staff member
Feb 28, 2024
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It's incredible how evil "scientists" are. They claim that something is 1 million years old, while the earth isn't even that old, lol.
The earth was created less than 10,000 years ago. It's completely impossible for there to be a skull that's 1 million years old.
Anyone who believes in shit like that should take an IQ test just to make sure they're not mentally retarded.
>hur dur, but the dinosaurs
They were buried by the flood at the time of Noah. The Bible contains several passages about giant snakes and lizards that lived among human beings. Also, soft tissue was found in a dinosaur fossil:
Now explain to me, how the fuck did soft tissue survive for so long? The only explanation is that the dinosaur was fossilised in a very short time, long enough for it not to have had time to decompose all the organic matter.
The fossilisation process can take hundreds of years according to scientists, so how the fuck could the soft tissue have survived out in the open for so long before being fossilised? It's simply impossible.
Another argument that supports this is the hydroplate theory. What happened was that the whole world flooded in a very short time, burying all the dinosaurs and other forms of life that existed at that time. That in itself rules out the idea of a meteor hitting the earth. Tell me, how the fuck did the meteor kill only the fucking dinosaurs, but not, for example, the turtles? Was it a dinophobic meteor? Kek! Honestly, with a little critical thinking you start to see the theory of evolution as a joke and not a serious science.
The Bible wasn't the only book to describe a flood on a global scale. Several societies that had no contact with each other also reported something similar or have some similar history/mythology. Explain to me: how all these people decided to talk about the same thing even though they never had contact with each other?
>hur, this is mythology, I believe in (((science)))
I believe in biblical chronology. You believe the word of some (((scientist))) who told you that dinosaur bones are a quintillion years old even though you can't prove it. You literally have more faith than I do. At least I have faith in an ancient tradition, you have faith in a literal man of modernity whose only achievements have been to subvert society's values and lead us into a degenerate and depraved reality.
>hm, okay, I want to know more about it
Search for the hydroplate theory. Some theorists argue that the Flood of the Bible was a global event that restructured the Earth's surface, which would easily explain many of the geological formations and fossils observed today, without the need for long periods of time. It's literally Occam's Razor in practice.
Also, look up Mount St Helens. It's a very "observable" example of how the formation of sedimentary layers can occur in a short space of time.
Another issue is the decline of the magnetic poles. If the earth really were as old as they say, our magnetic field would have dissipated completely by now, as we can see on other planets.
Also, C14 dating is widely discredited in the scientific community because of the imprecision of the technique.
If you want to delve deeper into this "rabbit hole", I recommend researching radiometric dating and stratigraphic sequencing.
I could go on and on about this, but I don't know if you guys are really interested in continuing the discussion.
This kinda stuff doesn't really matter in islam, I mean sure you can try piecing it together or piecing certain quranic/prophetic events together like when the kingdom of israel was first established, and while it is fascinating, the quran isn't a history textbook so it doesn't really focus on such topics.
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