I no longer desire a girlfriend

Otaku Culture
Dec 25, 2024
Look at how the average woman behaves and ask yourself, do you think you'd be happier dating one? The answer should be no, if not you're coping.

The black pill, as well as the red pill, all point to this answer but it's follows choose to ignore it. A prime example would be that women only care about looks and money, the conclusion would be that women are incredibly materialistic and shallow. Even if I had the money I wouldn't spend it on some foid just so I can keep her around and sometimes have sex with her. Look at how girls in a relationship often behave, they give vague signals and get mad when the man doesn't act on them. Odds are if you had a girlfriend you wouldn't be happier, only far more miserable. This is why I decided to never try to get a girlfriend and am able to just go about my life without it bothering me.
Oct 10, 2024
If peace means avoiding massive mental pain and not getting yelled at for my hobbies, yes.
Yeah I know what that’s like pal, i mean in all honesty your thread is fully correct. Love is a compiled fuckery mess in this generation it isn’t worth pursuing. Society makes it out like as if putting your penis inside a vagina suddenly cures depression and all your problems when it’s far from the truth. We don’t have what our grandparents have so it’s best to just get your bread up and do good for yourself and good people around you 💯
So far there's no one here