IAmA Scientologist

Jun 26, 2024
How do you treat niggers who follows that cult
Generally black people don't have enough money and don't make very good slaves for the Church of Scientology.

The Church of Scientology (CoS) is a cult run by a violent manlet but it's one of several denominations. Saying Scientology, the religion is a cult is like saying that some random bitch who smokes weed and has her christ necklace shake each time she gets clapped is part of the cult of christianity. There are christian cults where you have to live in a compound but that wouldn't make her a cultist.
Wtf do u believe in

Scientology is a philosophical system expressed in 58 Axioms.

Basically a modernized form of Tantric Buddhism. To practice scientology you don't have to "believe" anything. It's a series of mental and meditative exercises that serve to progressively increase your mental powers. A drill sheet on my desk I'm working on right now with the goal of enhancing my perception of sight in my memories.

Can you recall a sight which was:

1. Very Bright
2. Dark
3. Green
4. Vast
5. Moving
6. Flat
7. Deep
8. Colorful
9. Swift
10. Slow
11. Pleasant
12. Desirable
... and so on

I run through the list a few times. Then come back to it and try for earlier and earlier memories each time once my subconsious has been chewing on it for a bit. The goal here is to unlock half-forgotten childhood impressions that still have an effect on my thinking. Eventually past lifetimes. The more advanced you are the more you can remember.

This presupposes the cosmological model contained in tantric buddhism and hinduism. That is:

- reincarnation
- entities, some with seemingly godlike powers
- the cyclic creation of universes
- alternate planes of existence
- ascension to higher states of being through knowledge

You don't have to "believe" any of this any more than you have to believe in the pythagorean theorem or that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Or any other school subjects to complete the work and pass the tests. Scientology is a series of progressively more advanced courses mapped on the Bridge to Total Freedom.

The reason you complete these courses is because you personally want to. Most people do them because they feel it improves their quality of life. To be able to access and process memories from your past lives, you would first have to be able to remember your childhood. A less gay version of trauma processing therapy. Many people quit at this point and live better than they used to. The ultimate goal, that the most advanced classes teach is to reach what buddhism calls "Enlightenment".

Your teacher is called an auditor. They run the same processes and ask the same questions you would ask yourself but it goes a bit faster because of how much expierence they have. Downside is it costs money. Any person providing a sevice full-time needs to get paid. Kind of like learning the guitar by yourself vs with a teacher guiding you. Personally, I'm doing a good amount of self-study, the exercises in a few books before I get my progress certified by an auditor.

The barrier to remembering events that happened before you incarnated on earth, so millions and millions of years ago is the course known as OT III (the Xenu thing) which is explained in the next question below.

What do you think about south parks episode on scientology?
Generally accurate.

In the Abrahamic religions, Xenu is known as Satan

Hubbard coined new words for his concepts to remove the baggage contained in a word like "soul" "trauma" or "Satan". Thetan, Engram, Xenu

The Fall of Man occurred when the first man, Adam, ate from the Tree of Knowledge. Thereupon after which every man was born with this "Original Sin"

In Scientology, Satan ("Xenu") dropped humans onto earth ("Teegeeack") . A very painful, traumatic incident.

People have certain "triggers" that have an inordinate effect on them. Let's say you insult someone, call them X. Obviously, no one likes being insulted. But if someone called them X before in a traumatic incident, their reaction would be amplified.

There's an old joke that's a variation of: if giving birth hurts so much, why do women do it so many times?
Both giving birth and giving birth are extremely painful experiences that your mind blocks out.


The Volcano on the cover symbolizes both birth and the "original birth" of mankind. The submerged memories of which are triggered by this birth.

The key difference between Scientology and the mainstream churches is that you overcome this through knowledge instead of belief or devotion. Enlightenment. Gnosis.

Gnosticism and the mystery schools are the closest interpretations to scientology in the western religious tradition.
Scientology is the largest, best organized and most comprehensive of these esoteric or mystery religions. In these schools of religion you had to be initiated and work to get access to the secret scriptures. Ofc, all of them are public now, but you're not gonna get much out of the materials unless you put the work in. It's like thinking you can make a hydrogen bomb because the nuclear physics are all online.

Jewish mysticism which I don't know much about but personally think is kind of gay and cringe works on the belief that the Book of Genesis is a magical codex with a secret meaning. You go word by word, look at number patterns, hidden meanings. You see "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" and you don't say "this is true" or "this is false". You think of it as a sort of math equation you have to analyze, comprehend and solve.

I think the OT III materials are generally true, but I couldn't tell you if Satan would know what you're talking about if you addressed him by "Xemu". Little details are not relevant for the purposes of spiritual advancement

The important part is studying the material until you pass the roadblock of being unable to recall past lives (it doesn't matter if you believe in these, just that you remember them) that occured before arrival on the earth.
The later traumatic incident, Birth is ran until it no longer blocks you and you are able to preceive your historical past lives.

Remember, birth is more painful than it already is because it reminds you of incident II. Imagine it as a chain you have to work down.

Incident II - (being born) - (being born) - (being born) - (being born) (giving birth x3) - Being Born in your current life - traumatic childhood memories that remind you of being born - memories that remind you of those traumatic memories - random memories that remind you of the memories of memories (of memories, of memories... and so on)

On an even more advanced level you process your arrival into this universe and can remember events before you got trapped in a retarded meat-body.


The main inaccuracy in the South Park episode is about the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. He most likely reincarned in Russia as he announced in his novel, Battlefield Earth.

The CoS (Church of Scientology) is not looking for his reincarnation. Their stance is that they are still in telepathic contact with him after he got rid of his body because it became an impediment to his work. Again, as a Fundementalist Scientologist, I am on the other side of the Great Schism of 1982 and don't believe whatever cringe and bullshit they say.

There are a lot of people who claim to be the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. A christian schizo often believes they're the reincarnation of Jesus. For scientology that turns into L. Ron Hubbard. You can find a lot of their schizo writings online but no one takes them very seriously
Staff member
Feb 28, 2024
Generally black people don't have enough money and don't make very good slaves for the Church of Scientology.

The Church of Scientology (CoS) is a cult run by a violent manlet but it's one of several denominations. Saying Scientology, the religion is a cult is like saying that some random bitch who smokes weed and has her christ necklace shake each time she gets clapped is part of the cult of christianity. There are christian cults where you have to live in a compound but that wouldn't make her a cultist.

Scientology is a philosophical system expressed in 58 Axioms.

Basically a modernized form of Tantric Buddhism. To practice scientology you don't have to "believe" anything. It's a series of mental and meditative exercises that serve to progressively increase your mental powers. A drill sheet on my desk I'm working on right now with the goal of enhancing my perception of sight in my memories.

Can you recall a sight which was:

1. Very Bright
2. Dark
3. Green
4. Vast
5. Moving
6. Flat
7. Deep
8. Colorful
9. Swift
10. Slow
11. Pleasant
12. Desirable
... and so on

I run through the list a few times. Then come back to it and try for earlier and earlier memories each time once my subconsious has been chewing on it for a bit. The goal here is to unlock half-forgotten childhood impressions that still have an effect on my thinking. Eventually past lifetimes. The more advanced you are the more you can remember.

This presupposes the cosmological model contained in tantric buddhism and hinduism. That is:

- reincarnation
- entities, some with seemingly godlike powers
- the cyclic creation of universes
- alternate planes of existence
- ascension to higher states of being through knowledge

You don't have to "believe" any of this any more than you have to believe in the pythagorean theorem or that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Or any other school subjects to complete the work and pass the tests. Scientology is a series of progressively more advanced courses mapped on the Bridge to Total Freedom.

The reason you complete these courses is because you personally want to. Most people do them because they feel it improves their quality of life. To be able to access and process memories from your past lives, you would first have to be able to remember your childhood. A less gay version of trauma processing therapy. Many people quit at this point and live better than they used to. The ultimate goal, that the most advanced classes teach is to reach what buddhism calls "Enlightenment".

Your teacher is called an auditor. They run the same processes and ask the same questions you would ask yourself but it goes a bit faster because of how much expierence they have. Downside is it costs money. Any person providing a sevice full-time needs to get paid. Kind of like learning the guitar by yourself vs with a teacher guiding you. Personally, I'm doing a good amount of self-study, the exercises in a few books before I get my progress certified by an auditor.

The barrier to remembering events that happened before you incarnated on earth, so millions and millions of years ago is the course known as OT III (the Xenu thing) which is explained in the next question below.

Generally accurate.

In the Abrahamic religions, Xenu is known as Satan

Hubbard coined new words for his concepts to remove the baggage contained in a word like "soul" "trauma" or "Satan". Thetan, Engram, Xenu

The Fall of Man occurred when the first man, Adam, ate from the Tree of Knowledge. Thereupon after which every man was born with this "Original Sin"

In Scientology, Satan ("Xenu") dropped humans onto earth ("Teegeeack") . A very painful, traumatic incident.

People have certain "triggers" that have an inordinate effect on them. Let's say you insult someone, call them X. Obviously, no one likes being insulted. But if someone called them X before in a traumatic incident, their reaction would be amplified.

There's an old joke that's a variation of: if giving birth hurts so much, why do women do it so many times?
Both giving birth and giving birth are extremely painful experiences that your mind blocks out.

View attachment 1972

The Volcano on the cover symbolizes both birth and the "original birth" of mankind. The submerged memories of which are triggered by this birth.

The key difference between Scientology and the mainstream churches is that you overcome this through knowledge instead of belief or devotion. Enlightenment. Gnosis.

Gnosticism and the mystery schools are the closest interpretations to scientology in the western religious tradition.
Scientology is the largest, best organized and most comprehensive of these esoteric or mystery religions. In these schools of religion you had to be initiated and work to get access to the secret scriptures. Ofc, all of them are public now, but you're not gonna get much out of the materials unless you put the work in. It's like thinking you can make a hydrogen bomb because the nuclear physics are all online.

Jewish mysticism which I don't know much about but personally think is kind of gay and cringe works on the belief that the Book of Genesis is a magical codex with a secret meaning. You go word by word, look at number patterns, hidden meanings. You see "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" and you don't say "this is true" or "this is false". You think of it as a sort of math equation you have to analyze, comprehend and solve.

I think the OT III materials are generally true, but I couldn't tell you if Satan would know what you're talking about if you addressed him by "Xemu". Little details are not relevant for the purposes of spiritual advancement

The important part is studying the material until you pass the roadblock of being unable to recall past lives (it doesn't matter if you believe in these, just that you remember them) that occured before arrival on the earth.
The later traumatic incident, Birth is ran until it no longer blocks you and you are able to preceive your historical past lives.

Remember, birth is more painful than it already is because it reminds you of incident II. Imagine it as a chain you have to work down.

Incident II - (being born) - (being born) - (being born) - (being born) (giving birth x3) - Being Born in your current life - traumatic childhood memories that remind you of being born - memories that remind you of those traumatic memories - random memories that remind you of the memories of memories (of memories, of memories... and so on)

On an even more advanced level you process your arrival into this universe and can remember events before you got trapped in a retarded meat-body.


The main inaccuracy in the South Park episode is about the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. He most likely reincarned in Russia as he announced in his novel, Battlefield Earth.

The CoS (Church of Scientology) is not looking for his reincarnation. Their stance is that they are still in telepathic contact with him after he got rid of his body because it became an impediment to his work. Again, as a Fundementalist Scientologist, I am on the other side of the Great Schism of 1982 and don't believe whatever cringe and bullshit they say.

There are a lot of people who claim to be the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. A christian schizo often believes they're the reincarnation of Jesus. For scientology that turns into L. Ron Hubbard. You can find a lot of their schizo writings online but no one takes them very seriously
So scientology is a school of different mystic and esoteric religions like gnostic christianity and the kabbalah?
Jun 26, 2024
So scientology is a school of different mystic and esoteric religions like gnostic christianity and the kabbalah?
The organizational structure is largely based on those and In the Western tradition those would be the most similar religions from a philosophical standpoint.

but it's practices are mostly based off psychology and the tantric religions


Aug 29, 2024
Generally black people don't have enough money and don't make very good slaves for the Church of Scientology.

The Church of Scientology (CoS) is a cult run by a violent manlet but it's one of several denominations. Saying Scientology, the religion is a cult is like saying that some random bitch who smokes weed and has her christ necklace shake each time she gets clapped is part of the cult of christianity. There are christian cults where you have to live in a compound but that wouldn't make her a cultist.

Scientology is a philosophical system expressed in 58 Axioms.

Basically a modernized form of Tantric Buddhism. To practice scientology you don't have to "believe" anything. It's a series of mental and meditative exercises that serve to progressively increase your mental powers. A drill sheet on my desk I'm working on right now with the goal of enhancing my perception of sight in my memories.

Can you recall a sight which was:

1. Very Bright
2. Dark
3. Green
4. Vast
5. Moving
6. Flat
7. Deep
8. Colorful
9. Swift
10. Slow
11. Pleasant
12. Desirable
... and so on

I run through the list a few times. Then come back to it and try for earlier and earlier memories each time once my subconsious has been chewing on it for a bit. The goal here is to unlock half-forgotten childhood impressions that still have an effect on my thinking. Eventually past lifetimes. The more advanced you are the more you can remember.

This presupposes the cosmological model contained in tantric buddhism and hinduism. That is:

- reincarnation
- entities, some with seemingly godlike powers
- the cyclic creation of universes
- alternate planes of existence
- ascension to higher states of being through knowledge

You don't have to "believe" any of this any more than you have to believe in the pythagorean theorem or that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Or any other school subjects to complete the work and pass the tests. Scientology is a series of progressively more advanced courses mapped on the Bridge to Total Freedom.

The reason you complete these courses is because you personally want to. Most people do them because they feel it improves their quality of life. To be able to access and process memories from your past lives, you would first have to be able to remember your childhood. A less gay version of trauma processing therapy. Many people quit at this point and live better than they used to. The ultimate goal, that the most advanced classes teach is to reach what buddhism calls "Enlightenment".

Your teacher is called an auditor. They run the same processes and ask the same questions you would ask yourself but it goes a bit faster because of how much expierence they have. Downside is it costs money. Any person providing a sevice full-time needs to get paid. Kind of like learning the guitar by yourself vs with a teacher guiding you. Personally, I'm doing a good amount of self-study, the exercises in a few books before I get my progress certified by an auditor.

The barrier to remembering events that happened before you incarnated on earth, so millions and millions of years ago is the course known as OT III (the Xenu thing) which is explained in the next question below.

Generally accurate.

In the Abrahamic religions, Xenu is known as Satan

Hubbard coined new words for his concepts to remove the baggage contained in a word like "soul" "trauma" or "Satan". Thetan, Engram, Xenu

The Fall of Man occurred when the first man, Adam, ate from the Tree of Knowledge. Thereupon after which every man was born with this "Original Sin"

In Scientology, Satan ("Xenu") dropped humans onto earth ("Teegeeack") . A very painful, traumatic incident.

People have certain "triggers" that have an inordinate effect on them. Let's say you insult someone, call them X. Obviously, no one likes being insulted. But if someone called them X before in a traumatic incident, their reaction would be amplified.

There's an old joke that's a variation of: if giving birth hurts so much, why do women do it so many times?
Both giving birth and giving birth are extremely painful experiences that your mind blocks out.

View attachment 1972

The Volcano on the cover symbolizes both birth and the "original birth" of mankind. The submerged memories of which are triggered by this birth.

The key difference between Scientology and the mainstream churches is that you overcome this through knowledge instead of belief or devotion. Enlightenment. Gnosis.

Gnosticism and the mystery schools are the closest interpretations to scientology in the western religious tradition.
Scientology is the largest, best organized and most comprehensive of these esoteric or mystery religions. In these schools of religion you had to be initiated and work to get access to the secret scriptures. Ofc, all of them are public now, but you're not gonna get much out of the materials unless you put the work in. It's like thinking you can make a hydrogen bomb because the nuclear physics are all online.

Jewish mysticism which I don't know much about but personally think is kind of gay and cringe works on the belief that the Book of Genesis is a magical codex with a secret meaning. You go word by word, look at number patterns, hidden meanings. You see "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" and you don't say "this is true" or "this is false". You think of it as a sort of math equation you have to analyze, comprehend and solve.

I think the OT III materials are generally true, but I couldn't tell you if Satan would know what you're talking about if you addressed him by "Xemu". Little details are not relevant for the purposes of spiritual advancement

The important part is studying the material until you pass the roadblock of being unable to recall past lives (it doesn't matter if you believe in these, just that you remember them) that occured before arrival on the earth.
The later traumatic incident, Birth is ran until it no longer blocks you and you are able to preceive your historical past lives.

Remember, birth is more painful than it already is because it reminds you of incident II. Imagine it as a chain you have to work down.

Incident II - (being born) - (being born) - (being born) - (being born) (giving birth x3) - Being Born in your current life - traumatic childhood memories that remind you of being born - memories that remind you of those traumatic memories - random memories that remind you of the memories of memories (of memories, of memories... and so on)

On an even more advanced level you process your arrival into this universe and can remember events before you got trapped in a retarded meat-body.


The main inaccuracy in the South Park episode is about the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. He most likely reincarned in Russia as he announced in his novel, Battlefield Earth.

The CoS (Church of Scientology) is not looking for his reincarnation. Their stance is that they are still in telepathic contact with him after he got rid of his body because it became an impediment to his work. Again, as a Fundementalist Scientologist, I am on the other side of the Great Schism of 1982 and don't believe whatever cringe and bullshit they say.

There are a lot of people who claim to be the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. A christian schizo often believes they're the reincarnation of Jesus. For scientology that turns into L. Ron Hubbard. You can find a lot of their schizo writings online but no one takes them very seriously
this sounds surprisingly based

0 0

I am simply me
Oct 9, 2024
Generally black people don't have enough money and don't make very good slaves for the Church of Scientology.

The Church of Scientology (CoS) is a cult run by a violent manlet but it's one of several denominations. Saying Scientology, the religion is a cult is like saying that some random bitch who smokes weed and has her christ necklace shake each time she gets clapped is part of the cult of christianity. There are christian cults where you have to live in a compound but that wouldn't make her a cultist.

Scientology is a philosophical system expressed in 58 Axioms.

Basically a modernized form of Tantric Buddhism. To practice scientology you don't have to "believe" anything. It's a series of mental and meditative exercises that serve to progressively increase your mental powers. A drill sheet on my desk I'm working on right now with the goal of enhancing my perception of sight in my memories.

Can you recall a sight which was:

1. Very Bright
2. Dark
3. Green
4. Vast
5. Moving
6. Flat
7. Deep
8. Colorful
9. Swift
10. Slow
11. Pleasant
12. Desirable
... and so on

I run through the list a few times. Then come back to it and try for earlier and earlier memories each time once my subconsious has been chewing on it for a bit. The goal here is to unlock half-forgotten childhood impressions that still have an effect on my thinking. Eventually past lifetimes. The more advanced you are the more you can remember.

This presupposes the cosmological model contained in tantric buddhism and hinduism. That is:

- reincarnation
- entities, some with seemingly godlike powers
- the cyclic creation of universes
- alternate planes of existence
- ascension to higher states of being through knowledge

You don't have to "believe" any of this any more than you have to believe in the pythagorean theorem or that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Or any other school subjects to complete the work and pass the tests. Scientology is a series of progressively more advanced courses mapped on the Bridge to Total Freedom.

The reason you complete these courses is because you personally want to. Most people do them because they feel it improves their quality of life. To be able to access and process memories from your past lives, you would first have to be able to remember your childhood. A less gay version of trauma processing therapy. Many people quit at this point and live better than they used to. The ultimate goal, that the most advanced classes teach is to reach what buddhism calls "Enlightenment".

Your teacher is called an auditor. They run the same processes and ask the same questions you would ask yourself but it goes a bit faster because of how much expierence they have. Downside is it costs money. Any person providing a sevice full-time needs to get paid. Kind of like learning the guitar by yourself vs with a teacher guiding you. Personally, I'm doing a good amount of self-study, the exercises in a few books before I get my progress certified by an auditor.

The barrier to remembering events that happened before you incarnated on earth, so millions and millions of years ago is the course known as OT III (the Xenu thing) which is explained in the next question below.

Generally accurate.

In the Abrahamic religions, Xenu is known as Satan

Hubbard coined new words for his concepts to remove the baggage contained in a word like "soul" "trauma" or "Satan". Thetan, Engram, Xenu

The Fall of Man occurred when the first man, Adam, ate from the Tree of Knowledge. Thereupon after which every man was born with this "Original Sin"

In Scientology, Satan ("Xenu") dropped humans onto earth ("Teegeeack") . A very painful, traumatic incident.

People have certain "triggers" that have an inordinate effect on them. Let's say you insult someone, call them X. Obviously, no one likes being insulted. But if someone called them X before in a traumatic incident, their reaction would be amplified.

There's an old joke that's a variation of: if giving birth hurts so much, why do women do it so many times?
Both giving birth and giving birth are extremely painful experiences that your mind blocks out.

View attachment 1972

The Volcano on the cover symbolizes both birth and the "original birth" of mankind. The submerged memories of which are triggered by this birth.

The key difference between Scientology and the mainstream churches is that you overcome this through knowledge instead of belief or devotion. Enlightenment. Gnosis.

Gnosticism and the mystery schools are the closest interpretations to scientology in the western religious tradition.
Scientology is the largest, best organized and most comprehensive of these esoteric or mystery religions. In these schools of religion you had to be initiated and work to get access to the secret scriptures. Ofc, all of them are public now, but you're not gonna get much out of the materials unless you put the work in. It's like thinking you can make a hydrogen bomb because the nuclear physics are all online.

Jewish mysticism which I don't know much about but personally think is kind of gay and cringe works on the belief that the Book of Genesis is a magical codex with a secret meaning. You go word by word, look at number patterns, hidden meanings. You see "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" and you don't say "this is true" or "this is false". You think of it as a sort of math equation you have to analyze, comprehend and solve.

I think the OT III materials are generally true, but I couldn't tell you if Satan would know what you're talking about if you addressed him by "Xemu". Little details are not relevant for the purposes of spiritual advancement

The important part is studying the material until you pass the roadblock of being unable to recall past lives (it doesn't matter if you believe in these, just that you remember them) that occured before arrival on the earth.
The later traumatic incident, Birth is ran until it no longer blocks you and you are able to preceive your historical past lives.

Remember, birth is more painful than it already is because it reminds you of incident II. Imagine it as a chain you have to work down.

Incident II - (being born) - (being born) - (being born) - (being born) (giving birth x3) - Being Born in your current life - traumatic childhood memories that remind you of being born - memories that remind you of those traumatic memories - random memories that remind you of the memories of memories (of memories, of memories... and so on)

On an even more advanced level you process your arrival into this universe and can remember events before you got trapped in a retarded meat-body.


The main inaccuracy in the South Park episode is about the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. He most likely reincarned in Russia as he announced in his novel, Battlefield Earth.

The CoS (Church of Scientology) is not looking for his reincarnation. Their stance is that they are still in telepathic contact with him after he got rid of his body because it became an impediment to his work. Again, as a Fundementalist Scientologist, I am on the other side of the Great Schism of 1982 and don't believe whatever cringe and bullshit they say.

There are a lot of people who claim to be the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. A christian schizo often believes they're the reincarnation of Jesus. For scientology that turns into L. Ron Hubbard. You can find a lot of their schizo writings online but no one takes them very seriously
In short, this is a Fortnite skin of Esoteric Hinduism.

It mustn't be this convoluted. Conceptualizing spirituality in this way will only lead you astray.

There are many more effective ways to release your conditionings, and once you do, all of these beliefs and methods will make intuitive sense.

Reality becomes clear and straightforward.

That is actual enlightenment.

0 0

I am simply me
Oct 9, 2024
A few people I have observed online seem to be enlightened.

This YouTuber is an example of that.

I am not disparaging your belief, but you must question why you decided to follow that path.
  • +1
Reactions: Lux
Jun 26, 2024
In short, this is a Fortnite skin of Esoteric Hinduism.

It mustn't be this convoluted. Conceptualizing spirituality in this way will only lead you astray.

There are many more effective ways to release your conditionings, and once you do, all of these beliefs and methods will make intuitive sense.

Reality becomes clear and straightforward.

That is actual enlightenment.
some points worth addressing here

I. this is a Fortnite skin of Esoteric Hinduism

Scientology is most closely related to Tantric Buddhism, but like all schools of thought, has a varying degree of similarity to every other school of thought. Nothing in this world is truly original - unless it's bullshit. In any field, writing, cooking, games, etc, the only reason something wouldn't get borrowed is if it sucks.

That's why this line of criticism is used on almost everything under the sun. If you have more specific points of address I'd be glad to consider them, but then the question would shift to - what exactly is wrong with practicing a version of Esoteric Hinduism adapted for western culture? Good luck finding a legit esoteric hindu guru in the western hemisphere who would be willing to take you as a disciple.

II. There are many more effective ways to release your conditionings, and once you do, all of these beliefs and methods will make intuitive sense.

there are many schools but the fundamental method remains the same. You have to: 1. identify the conditioning 2. acknowledge the conditioning until it makes intuitive sense and holds no more power over you. Most mainstream trauma therapies use this, directly inspired by Dianetics. The basis of scientology auditing is that only you are allowed to evaluate your own expierences. The auditor is there to guide you and give you acknowledgement. Both things a large portion of the population can do by themselves (solo auditing) and another large portion need someone expierenced to help them with.

As a school, The advantages of scientology are:

1. It's structured in the same way as an academic subject in a school. Meaning it's optimized for everyone to get the same results with the same work. Clear levels of progression (courses) with standardized work and testing. Many intuitively gifted people are slowed down by annd don't need this, but people with the spiritual IQ equivelant of 80-100 progress much further than they would by themselves

2. Increased focus on whats called "the creation of human abilities".
ESP. Astral projection. Psychokinesis. This is a common point of criticism because most people just aren't good at this no matter how much training they get. Psychic ability to some extent innate and falls on a Bell Curve. Most other schools consider these a distraction. Remote Viewing is a famous offshoot of scientology with a methodology based on its mental exercises.

III. It mustn't be this convoluted. Conceptualizing spirituality in this way will only lead you astray.

Xenu is an advanced concept.
If someone who otherwise had no knowledge of mathematics wanted to know how advanced calculus or nuclear physics worked, there's a bare minimum of foundational concepts you'd need to explain before it devolves into "it's just magic bro" tier explanations. Even something like 5x5 requires a lengthy explanation when you have to start with what a "number" is, why you would ever want to use one, why it's a base 10 system, and so on. Convoluted, eh?

You don't have to reach this level, and most people stop with results they're satisfied with far before this. Like algebra II. Still, spirituality is a very large subject. I don't think anyone has read even 1% of the classic Daoist or Vedic texts in their lifetime. ALL REAL SUBJECTS are built on simple fundemental principles. That combine to form very complex combinations with unpredictable emergent properties.

That's why they don't tell you about calculus on day one of kindergarten. Nowday, because of the internet, the esoteric or secret knowledge model of teaching is an outdated model. It worked to entice a student to stay in a school and complete a course of study. This was standard practice. Even the best way for a carpenter to saw a board would be clouded in in secrecy by some guild. Calculus, interesting enough was invented by Newton as an esoteric practice to decipher the Bible.

IV. all of these beliefs and methods will make intuitive sense. Reality becomes clear and straightforward.

It's important to draw a distinction here. Spirituality is about the cultivation of intuition, yes. Only you can correctly evaluate your own expierences, yes. It is not "intuitive" in the other sense that you don't require the right sources and guidance. Otherwise every NEET with nothing to do would be an spiritually advanced ascended master lol.
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I am simply me
Oct 9, 2024
some points worth addressing here

I. this is a Fortnite skin of Esoteric Hinduism

Scientology is most closely related to Tantric Buddhism, but like all schools of thought, has a varying degree of similarity to every other school of thought. Nothing in this world is truly original - unless it's bullshit. In any field, writing, cooking, games, etc, the only reason something wouldn't get borrowed is if it sucks.

That's why this line of criticism is used on almost everything under the sun. If you have more specific points of address I'd be glad to consider them, but then the question would shift to - what exactly is wrong with practicing a version of Esoteric Hinduism adapted for western culture? Good luck finding a legit esoteric hindu guru in the western hemisphere who would be willing to take you as a disciple.

Scientology doesn't seem to have any of its own effectiveness or legitimacy that other traditions or teachers have not already given in the past, so then why must the wheel be reinvented?
II. There are many more effective ways to release your conditionings, and once you do, all of these beliefs and methods will make intuitive sense.

there are many schools but the fundamental method remains the same. You have to: 1. identify the conditioning 2. acknowledge the conditioning until it makes intuitive sense and holds no more power over you. Most mainstream trauma therapies use this, directly inspired by Dianetics. The basis of scientology auditing is that only you are allowed to evaluate your own expierences. The auditor is there to guide you and give you acknowledgement. Both things a large portion of the population can do by themselves (solo auditing) and another large portion need someone expierenced to help them with.

As a school, The advantages of scientology are:

1. It's structured in the same way as an academic subject in a school. Meaning it's optimized for everyone to get the same results with the same work. Clear levels of progression (courses) with standardized work and testing. Many intuitively gifted people are slowed down by annd don't need this, but people with the spiritual IQ equivelant of 80-100 progress much further than they would by themselves

2. Increased focus on whats called "the creation of human abilities".
ESP. Astral projection. Psychokinesis. This is a common point of criticism because most people just aren't good at this no matter how much training they get. Psychic ability to some extent innate and falls on a Bell Curve. Most other schools consider these a distraction. Remote Viewing is a famous offshoot of scientology with a methodology based on its mental exercises.

These things aren't exclusive to Scientology; there are more effective ways.

Conditioning is physical; it is how your nervous system has structured itself.

Your intuition does not need to be "developed"; it needs to be "uncovered."

Your claim about Dianetics inspiring modern trauma therapy is false as well; it originated from early behavioralists like John B. Watson, Mary Cover Jones, and Joseph Wolpe way before Dianetics was published.
III. It mustn't be this convoluted. Conceptualizing spirituality in this way will only lead you astray.

Xenu is an advanced concept.
If someone who otherwise had no knowledge of mathematics wanted to know how advanced calculus or nuclear physics worked, there's a bare minimum of foundational concepts you'd need to explain before it devolves into "it's just magic bro" tier explanations. Even something like 5x5 requires a lengthy explanation when you have to start with what a "number" is, why you would ever want to use one, why it's a base 10 system, and so on. Convoluted, eh?

You don't have to reach this level, and most people stop with results they're satisfied with far before this. Like algebra II. Still, spirituality is a very large subject. I don't think anyone has read even 1% of the classic Daoist or Vedic texts in their lifetime. ALL REAL SUBJECTS are built on simple fundemental principles. That combine to form very complex combinations with unpredictable emergent properties.

That's why they don't tell you about calculus on day one of kindergarten. Nowday, because of the internet, the esoteric or secret knowledge model of teaching is an outdated model. It worked to entice a student to stay in a school and complete a course of study. This was standard practice. Even the best way for a carpenter to saw a board would be clouded in in secrecy by some guild. Calculus, interesting enough was invented by Newton as an esoteric practice to decipher the Bible.

Enlightenment does not require conceptual knowledge nor has anything to do with thoughts; it is freedom from concepts entirely.

It is an awakening. All these texts came from those who attempted to express that and are the expression of that.

IV. all of these beliefs and methods will make intuitive sense. Reality becomes clear and straightforward.

It's important to draw a distinction here. Spirituality is about the cultivation of intuition, yes. Only you can correctly evaluate your own expierences, yes. It is not "intuitive" in the other sense that you don't require the right sources and guidance. Otherwise every NEET with nothing to do would be an spiritually advanced ascended master lol.

Ironically, if NEETs actually did nothing and left the modern world, they may become enlightened themselves lolol.

Again, intuition does not need to be cultivated, just as you cannot cultivate your instincts or intelligence.

After writing all of this, as I have read and re-read what you've said, it seems to me that you've eventually come across this system because it offers a systematic way to increase your mental abilities, ultimately leading to enlightenment.

From what I've observed, you are a knowledgeable person, so why call yourself a Scientologist? Is it because you are a Westerner?

I don't know of the specifics of these exercises, but like Mahayana Buddhism famously states, "There are 84,000 gates to the Dharma."
So, if this works for you and you are legitimately releasing your Kleshas, keep practicing.

Ultimately, all these thoughts are labels we apply to reality; they are not reality itself, which is unfathomable.

You don't know what anything really is or how things are; once you directly experience the nothingness that all phenomena arise from, everything is known to you, and everything is clear. There is just this, and that's it. Bondage and Enlightenment is a delusion.


Aug 29, 2024
Ultimately, all these thoughts are labels we apply to reality; they are not reality itself, which is unfathomable.
Another case of the categorical thinking pitfall. I feel like he kind of acknowledged that with his intro of xenu but then backstepped.
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Jun 26, 2024
It's interesting how you simultaneously claim:

1. My beliefs are different from yours
2. My beliefs are a rip off of your beliefs with no significant differentiating elements

I have no interest in reality. This is where the aims of Scientology and it's eastern antecedents differ. Scientology is a western school of thought. The selling point is that it makes you more capable of attaining your goals, whatever they may be.

My Personal Goals are to be a 6'5 chad with psychic powers who remembers the last quadrillion years of my existance. It's rather difficult to mog if you are one with source, although as you say, Scientology is a viable path to that.

Whether a persons intelligence, instincts, or intuition are innate is an interesting philosophical question with no clear answer. With intelligence, the position of an innate, immutable intelligence is best supported through IQ theory. The legitimacy of IQ is rather questionable, but the measurement construct of IQ says nothing of the underlying idea of an innate, immutable intelligence.

Using a model that puts the brain as the causative factor for intelligence (this is not what I, nor scientology believes), the idea of innate intelligence seems to be untrue. There are many interventions that promote neurogenesis and by extension an increase in intelligence. Neuropeptides (semax, selank, cerebrolysin) and learning a new language, for example.

Regardless, intelligence is useful (scientology, as a western practice, aims to be useful) only in application to a specific ability, such the ability to play chess. This can be developed. The general ability to learn any subject - which is often used as the definition of intelligence can also be developed. In Scientology, this would be L. Ron Hubbard's Study Technology. This is taught in the Student Hat Course.

A soldier is trained in the right and wrong instincts to cultivate. The instinct to run away from combat = bad. The instinct to pull the trigger when the bullet would obliterate your target's head = usually bad - most situations you want to hit centre body mass.

Intuition is trained through:

1. accurate recall of perceptic information.
2. increasing the power contained in your postulates (postulate that an ashtray levitates, for example)

In the eastern traditions, the Siddhis are generally distained as distractions from the ultimate aim of Enligtenment (if this is a "delusion" just mentally switch to the correct word of your aim).

That Scientology is the most effective method for the cultivation of intuitive abilities is proven through the fact that Remote Viewing, which was developed by scientologists using scientology methodology, is the most well studied, vigorously tested, and most importantly, effective method to gather extrasensory information. In my previous post I went over this but you persist in making your erroneous claims so I want to make it crystal clear.

Most things don't "seem" to have much of anything if you don't know about them, even if you think that knowledge is a cope and a delusion. Which is your opinion that I have respect. Where it becomes a problem is when it's not congruent with reality (again, the obscurationist tactic of 1+1 can't be known to be 2 because reality is "unknowable")

If you are interested in engaging with the delusion of knowledge, an introductory Hubbard reading list is attached to the bottom.

Enlightenment is not my goal. The goal of scientology is to Clear the World and produce Operating Thetans. Neither of these is exactly equivelant with enlightenment. A Clear is someone who no longer has trauma based stimulus-response reactions from this lifetime. An Operating Thetan is someone who can operate independently from their body. Some people call this Astral Projection.

This is where Dianetics differs from the Behaviorist School.

you posted the following allegations. I feel the need to address them because not only are they objectively untrue, they are dangerous and defamatory.
Conditioning is physical; it is how your nervous system has structured itself.

Your claim about Dianetics inspiring modern trauma therapy is false as well; it originated from early behavioralists like John B. Watson, Mary Cover Jones, and Joseph Wolpe way before Dianetics was published.

The Behaviourist School of Trauma "deconditioning" posits that Trauma is physical, being stored inside the CNS

This is not congruent with any belief system that includes reincarnation. Otherwise the trauma would be destroyed along with the nervous system upon death.
For more information on this, See Reincarnation and Biology by Dr. Ian Stevenson

Nor is this interpretation accepted by the scientific community. The heritability of trauma through well established epigenetic mechanisms would concur with Trauma being at best expressed in the nerves.

The reason the Behaviourists hold on to this ideological position is because it supports their clinical practices. Studies are conducted that show their clinical practices reduce and eventually negate trauma-conditioned CNS responses. Therefore then, their clinical practices get rid of trauma.

Trauma MUST be equivalent to the structure of the CNS because: If X causes Y, getting rid of Y doesn't imply any change to X. A reduction in CNS response, Y - doesn't imply any change to the Trauma, X.

Of course, to be a practictioner of a clinical practice doesn't imply that you believe all the theoretical aspects of it. Only that you believe in it's heuristic viability. If someone has a stress response (Y) to a doorbell becase of (X) event in their childhood, and you use pavlovian deconditioning until the association with the doorbell is overwritten. Well, it would be hard to argue that their life hadn't been improved by that. Was the trauma erased? Well - no.

It's more than a little ironic because this is the primary pitfall of Empiricist, Reductionist, Western Medical Philosophy. Excessive focus on spot-fixes to symptoms with an indifferent agnosticism to root causes. Same rationale for prescribing SSRIs.

This is not the approach Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. When it was released in 1950, it topped the New York Times Bestseller List for a then unheard of 26 consective weeks. Co-Auditing groups were formed in every single city in the United States.

A Clear in Scientology is like a Tulku in Tibetian Buddhism. They are released from their traumatic conditioning in not only this life, but forevermore, in every subsequent life. This is because the conditioning is erased instead of overwritten.

For the example of the doorbell, Dianetic protocol would be to go back on the "chain" of connected incidents until the earliest incident(s) were found. Subsequent incidents are based off the pain associated with these earliest incidents. They all fall off after the earliest incidents, or "Engrams" are located and re-expierenced until no more pain is felt with the memory. This is "Enlightenment" on a specific point. It is highly ironic, then, that I am the "categorical thinker" when your religious and psychological constructs are so diametrically opposed.

For further information see my above posts and read:

The Dianetics Picture Book
The Scientology Picture Book
Dianetics - The Original Thesis.
A New Slant on Life

Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health is a technical textbook intended for theraputic application and not suited as an introductary overview of the subject.

0 0

I am simply me
Oct 9, 2024
It's interesting how you simultaneously claim:

1. My beliefs are different from yours
2. My beliefs are a rip off of your beliefs with no significant differentiating elements

I have no interest in reality. This is where the aims of Scientology and it's eastern antecedents differ. Scientology is a western school of thought. The selling point is that it makes you more capable of attaining your goals, whatever they may be.

My Personal Goals are to be a 6'5 chad with psychic powers who remembers the last quadrillion years of my existance. It's rather difficult to mog if you are one with source, although as you say, Scientology is a viable path to that.

Whether a persons intelligence, instincts, or intuition are innate is an interesting philosophical question with no clear answer. With intelligence, the position of an innate, immutable intelligence is best supported through IQ theory. The legitimacy of IQ is rather questionable, but the measurement construct of IQ says nothing of the underlying idea of an innate, immutable intelligence.

Using a model that puts the brain as the causative factor for intelligence (this is not what I, nor scientology believes), the idea of innate intelligence seems to be untrue. There are many interventions that promote neurogenesis and by extension an increase in intelligence. Neuropeptides (semax, selank, cerebrolysin) and learning a new language, for example.

Regardless, intelligence is useful (scientology, as a western practice, aims to be useful) only in application to a specific ability, such the ability to play chess. This can be developed. The general ability to learn any subject - which is often used as the definition of intelligence can also be developed. In Scientology, this would be L. Ron Hubbard's Study Technology. This is taught in the Student Hat Course.

A soldier is trained in the right and wrong instincts to cultivate. The instinct to run away from combat = bad. The instinct to pull the trigger when the bullet would obliterate your target's head = usually bad - most situations you want to hit centre body mass.

Intuition is trained through:

1. accurate recall of perceptic information.
2. increasing the power contained in your postulates (postulate that an ashtray levitates, for example)

In the eastern traditions, the Siddhis are generally distained as distractions from the ultimate aim of Enligtenment (if this is a "delusion" just mentally switch to the correct word of your aim).

That Scientology is the most effective method for the cultivation of intuitive abilities is proven through the fact that Remote Viewing, which was developed by scientologists using scientology methodology, is the most well studied, vigorously tested, and most importantly, effective method to gather extrasensory information. In my previous post I went over this but you persist in making your erroneous claims so I want to make it crystal clear.

Most things don't "seem" to have much of anything if you don't know about them, even if you think that knowledge is a cope and a delusion. Which is your opinion that I have respect. Where it becomes a problem is when it's not congruent with reality (again, the obscurationist tactic of 1+1 can't be known to be 2 because reality is "unknowable")

If you are interested in engaging with the delusion of knowledge, an introductory Hubbard reading list is attached to the bottom.

Enlightenment is not my goal. The goal of scientology is to Clear the World and produce Operating Thetans. Neither of these is exactly equivelant with enlightenment. A Clear is someone who no longer has trauma based stimulus-response reactions from this lifetime. An Operating Thetan is someone who can operate independently from their body. Some people call this Astral Projection.

This is where Dianetics differs from the Behaviorist School.

you posted the following allegations. I feel the need to address them because not only are they objectively untrue, they are dangerous and defamatory.

The Behaviourist School of Trauma "deconditioning" posits that Trauma is physical, being stored inside the CNS

This is not congruent with any belief system that includes reincarnation. Otherwise the trauma would be destroyed along with the nervous system upon death.
For more information on this, See Reincarnation and Biology by Dr. Ian Stevenson

Nor is this interpretation accepted by the scientific community. The heritability of trauma through well established epigenetic mechanisms would concur with Trauma being at best expressed in the nerves.

The reason the Behaviourists hold on to this ideological position is because it supports their clinical practices. Studies are conducted that show their clinical practices reduce and eventually negate trauma-conditioned CNS responses. Therefore then, their clinical practices get rid of trauma.

Trauma MUST be equivalent to the structure of the CNS because: If X causes Y, getting rid of Y doesn't imply any change to X. A reduction in CNS response, Y - doesn't imply any change to the Trauma, X.

Of course, to be a practictioner of a clinical practice doesn't imply that you believe all the theoretical aspects of it. Only that you believe in it's heuristic viability. If someone has a stress response (Y) to a doorbell becase of (X) event in their childhood, and you use pavlovian deconditioning until the association with the doorbell is overwritten. Well, it would be hard to argue that their life hadn't been improved by that. Was the trauma erased? Well - no.

It's more than a little ironic because this is the primary pitfall of Empiricist, Reductionist, Western Medical Philosophy. Excessive focus on spot-fixes to symptoms with an indifferent agnosticism to root causes. Same rationale for prescribing SSRIs.

This is not the approach Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. When it was released in 1950, it topped the New York Times Bestseller List for a then unheard of 26 consective weeks. Co-Auditing groups were formed in every single city in the United States.

A Clear in Scientology is like a Tulku in Tibetian Buddhism. They are released from their traumatic conditioning in not only this life, but forevermore, in every subsequent life. This is because the conditioning is erased instead of overwritten.

For the example of the doorbell, Dianetic protocol would be to go back on the "chain" of connected incidents until the earliest incident(s) were found. Subsequent incidents are based off the pain associated with these earliest incidents. They all fall off after the earliest incidents, or "Engrams" are located and re-expierenced until no more pain is felt with the memory. This is "Enlightenment" on a specific point. It is highly ironic, then, that I am the "categorical thinker" when your religious and psychological constructs are so diametrically opposed.

For further information see my above posts and read:

The Dianetics Picture Book
The Scientology Picture Book
Dianetics - The Original Thesis.
A New Slant on Life

Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health is a technical textbook intended for theraputic application and not suited as an introductary overview of the subject.
For me to give an entirely proper response to this, I will have to do more research and reading regarding Scientology and refresh myself regarding 20th-century psychiatry.

However, I will ask this: Have you seriously attained any of your goals? If so, could you honestly attribute them to Dianetics?

And if you have not, when do you expect to make progress? We can discuss psychiatric theory, but what is the use if your claims do not bear fruit?
Jun 26, 2024
For me to give an entirely proper response to this, I will have to do more research and reading regarding Scientology and refresh myself regarding 20th-century psychiatry.
you won't

didn't stop you from talking BS in the first place though.

about 1/2 lies and BS and 1/2 something like the beliefs of Zen Buddhism. To say that something beliefs is not Zen Buddhism doesn't really say much lol. Consider making

simple reminder for skimmers of this thread.
However, I will ask this: Have you seriously attained any of your goals? If so, could you honestly attribute them to Dianetics?

And if you have not, when do you expect to make progress? We can discuss psychiatric theory, but what is the use if your claims do not bear fruit?
stop using the fake enlightened tone you sound like a fag. I've tolerated it for the last few responses for the benefit of the audience, because some of the theoretical questions and the points you raised were interesting (ly stupid, mostly). This is an open forum and I writting primarily for the audience, which includes potential unregistered lurkers.

In Scientology this is


It's called tone 1.1. It's what fags are on usually. There used to be a book about curing your disease but these cases proved to be too difficult so the research line was abandoned.

This is a very interesting post on the Ray Peat forum that correlates from about 1-0.

You are obviously hating on me but you hide it in forms of questions and oblique statements like mmmmmmmmm..... if it works for you. It's all over your messages
I don't know of the specifics of these exercises, but like Mahayana Buddhism famously states, "There are 84,000 gates to the Dharma."
So, if this works for you and you are legitimately releasing your Kleshas, keep practicing.

Ultimately, all these thoughts are labels we apply to reality; they are not reality itself, which is unfathomable.

here is an example of all three.

1. You admit you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about. This by itself is fine. The purpose of the thread is the inform people about scientology, so that would make you the target audience.

it's when you combine it with

2. Passive aggressive questions
3. It's wrong because it's not what I personally believe (OK? make your own thread then)

For my last responses I was speaking more about the theoretical questions and the points you posited.

here I am talking to you. Whether or not "getting angry" is something against your religion idc. But as a man to a man, when you don't like something you should be direct about it instead of making little snickering comments like a little girl.

My message to you: you are a bitch and you the dick in your ass that you are desperately begging for.

Back to the questions:
However, I will ask this: Have you seriously attained any of your goals? If so, could you honestly attribute them to Dianetics?

And if you have not, when do you expect to make progress? We can discuss psychiatric theory, but what is the use if your claims do not bear fruit?

If these were good faith questions they would be pretty interesting. Worthy of a thread of their own, ngl. I'll include you in the tag list.
Last edited:


Aug 29, 2024
If these were good faith questions they would be pretty interesting. Worthy of a thread of their own, ngl. I'll include you in the tag list.
I find the whole psychic powers thing quite questionable but please do

Also what about tradwife. I've heard scientology has a whole cabinet of baddies for the purpose of arranged marriage to upper members is this the case?
Jun 26, 2024
Do the higher members of Scientology get a tradwife & how exactly does this work fatcel_3000 @fatcel_3000

I find the whole psychic powers thing quite questionable but please do
Scientology and remote viewing doesn't ask anyone to believe or disbelieve in the exercises. It's not relevant to the coursework itself, any more than believing/disbelieving evolution would affect your ability to complete a course of evolutionary biology.

A limiting belief in yourself can inhibit your ability to do a lot of things, but surprisingly, some of the top performers started off as total non-believers. In a scientific setting you need to start off with the Null Hypothesis of saying X phenomena you're studying doesn't exist.

Assuming the existence of extrasensory and psychokinetic phenomena, it doesn't mean that you should automatically be interested in improving those abilities any more than the existence of a clarinet means you should be interested in learning how to play. Variations of Scientology processes are what the top performers in the field, such as those working for the CIA use.

The training of human abilities is a drawing point but it's a large subject and you can get to the highest level without training in that sub-specialization . It's not involved in Dianetic or Past Life Processing. Starts at the optional course: Creation of Human Abilities.
Also what about tradwife. I've heard scientology has a whole cabinet of baddies for the purpose of arranged marriage to upper members is this the case?
That would be a practice of the Church of Scientology, which is not my denomination. Pretty much asking a protestant about arranged marriages in Vatican City.

You don't need to be a very high level to get an arranged marriage, @Bojack from .org was gonna get one until he dropped out of the program because of drug addiction
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