Im tired of living in sin

Feb 24, 2024
The most success and prosperous times I had in my life is when i was in middle school. I did sports and was a active member in my community but also found time to engage it to my hobbies taking time to myself. After that i pretty much became reclusive. My peers around me were starting to turn into little devils in sin. brainwahed by zog even more and i was no different. I have indulged in all seven of the deadly sins which ultimately lead me to being ostracized, sad, envious, hateful sometimes, Extremely selfish. I think lots of people are naturally white pilled as kids but over time they get corrupted by the other pills. Blue pill being a Mindless cuck, red pill with greed and Hedonism, Black pill with being slothfulness.
Anti-Cosmic Satanist
Feb 27, 2024
The most success and prosperous times I had in my life is when i was in middle school. I did sports and was a active member in my community but also found time to engage it to my hobbies taking time to myself. After that i pretty much became reclusive. My peers around me were starting to turn into little devils in sin. brainwahed by zog even more and i was no different. I have indulged in all seven of the deadly sins which ultimately lead me to being ostracized, sad, envious, hateful sometimes, Extremely selfish. I think lots of people are naturally white pilled as kids but over time they get corrupted by the other pills. Blue pill being a Mindless cuck, red pill with greed and Hedonism, Black pill with being slothfulness.
True, the world and society around us is corrupting.
There’s no such thing as sins or getting corrupted. I wouldn’t feel guilty if I were you
the ghost of kiev
May 14, 2024
There’s no such thing as sins or getting corrupted. I wouldn’t feel guilty if I were you
at least add something to the thread before shitting it up

The most success and prosperous times I had in my life is when i was in middle school. I did sports and was a active member in my community but also found time to engage it to my hobbies taking time to myself. After that i pretty much became reclusive. My peers around me were starting to turn into little devils in sin. brainwahed by zog even more and i was no different. I have indulged in all seven of the deadly sins which ultimately lead me to being ostracized, sad, envious, hateful sometimes, Extremely selfish. I think lots of people are naturally white pilled as kids but over time they get corrupted by the other pills. Blue pill being a Mindless cuck, red pill with greed and Hedonism, Black pill with being slothfulness.
the only way to stop living this way is to give into your inner child, the thing that wants you above all else to succeed and has high hopes of your future. you have to remember that kid is still in there and would likely be disappointed by what you've done. instead of dwelling on the existence of corruption (and in this example, the disappointment), remember that it can be undone as long as you are willing to undo it. the process takes time, but in the end you will feel just as you did back then in middle school.

i promise that once you begin to take the short steps towards moving forward, things will change. you wont be perceptive to them, more than likely. people like this loser in the thread exist purely to put people in your situation down further so that they may never get out of their hole. we're all trying friend, and if it sounds like i have it all figured out; i most definitely do not. i am in a very similar place to you my friend.
So far there's no one here