Discussion Kikes are trying to destroy anime

Anti-Cosmic Satanist
Feb 27, 2024
Anime is the last great mainstream art form, which is why it’s saddening to see Jews try and destroy it in recent times.

All of the promotion of anime to Westerners via Netflix or Crunchyroll is going to lead to its downfall. As of now, anime is still mostly catered towards Japanese audiences because they are the ones who will buy merchandise and BluRays.

If you want to do your part to keep anime trve and you are not Japanese, DO NOT buy Netflix or Crunchyroll. Do not buy figures or merchandise from Japan.

Westerners will ruin anime inevitably once it becomes a global phenomenon. It will become just like TV, Films, video games etc. And for this to happen, for anime to be pozzed, is simply unforgivable.

It is the last form of mainstream art that is capable of being divergent or experimental. Not to mention most people like anime because of it’s distinct trappings and style - one that would cease to exist if it were to Westernize.

Do your part to save anime by making it uncool again. Post l*li on Twitter. Be degenerate. Convince people anime is evil and satanic. Then it can remain the way it is….
Feb 24, 2024
Ive been pirating anime sense i was 9 and that will never change. but sorry to tell you op but most anime made now a days are recycled stories and tropes done 1000 times to death and thats not a extracting. Ive watched 100s upon 100s of anime from 90s to current day. the best anime were made in the 90s and 2000s and its been on a downward spiral ever sense and only going to get worse. what your saying is like trying to save a girl who's taken 100s cocks already and trying to gatekeep for yourself when its already to late. trying to find a decent and interesting anime now a days is like looking for a needle in a hay stack. what your doing is completely pointless
Anti-Cosmic Satanist
Feb 27, 2024
Ive been pirating anime sense i was 9 and that will never change. but sorry to tell you op but most anime made now a days are recycled stories and tropes done 1000 times to death and thats not a extracting. Ive watched 100s upon 100s of anime from 90s to current day. the best anime were made in the 90s and 2000s and its been on a downward spiral ever sense and only going to get worse. what your saying is like trying to save a girl who's taken 100s cocks already and trying to gatekeep for yourself when its already to late. trying to find a decent and interesting anime now a days is like looking for a needle in a hay stack. what your doing is completely pointless
It was always to an extent recycled tropes though. There will always be slop, it's a mainstream art medium after all. It's that the good stuff will cease to exist after westernization that should be protected. I enjoy a fair amount of modern anime, Mushoku Tensei being a great example.
Anti-Cosmic Satanist
Feb 27, 2024
these fags already are attacking it for muh sexualized female characters

they’ve been doing it for years
Those people crying online have no effect on what anime is produced though. Only people who directly support the anime industry have an effect. However, Kikeflix funding anime for goys to watch does impact what kind of stuff is made.
Mar 2, 2024
Anime stopped being good in 1997 once they realized they could just pump out sloppa to afford there big hits
That's why theres maybe 1 or 2 good anime per season and the rest is shit

I will admit 2010 had a lot of gems and gems are still being pumped out today, dont lose hope!
So far there's no one here