Theory The Maze Theory

General Adolf SergeantAutist Mayweather Khan
Staff member
Mar 2, 2024
"Life’s a Maze Designed to Keep Us from Realizing There’s No Exit"
The maze isn’t something you walk through; it’s something that walks through you. Every turn you make is just another corner you built to avoid yourself, another path designed by the architects of nothingness. The exit? It doesn’t exist, but neither do you—not really. You’re a ghost, a shadow trying to cast light where none exists, hoping that maybe, just maybe, this time the walls will part. But they never do, because they aren’t walls at all—they’re reflections of the labyrinth inside your mind, infinite in all directions, twisting into itself with every thought.
You keep running, searching for a door that’s been locked since the beginning of time. You’re not lost; you’re exactly where you need to be—right at the heart of the trap you laid for yourself.

I saw the exit, once,
But it was a door without a frame,
A thought without a mind to think it.
I reached for it,
But my hand turned to dust.
Dust is what I am,
Falling endlessly through corridors of silence.
Every step I take is a step back,
But back to where?
There is no beginning, no end,
Only the middle,

Where I rot.
You think you’re moving forward, but the forward doesn’t exist. You chase purpose like a dog chases its tail, thinking that once you catch it, the maze will dissolve—but the maze is your purpose. It laughs at you, whispers in the cracks of your mind, reminding you that the only thing you’re getting closer to is the realization that there is no destination. You are the maze, and the maze is all you’ll ever be.
The walls aren’t even real—they’re just the illusions of your own desires, crumbling into dust with every fleeting hope. You build them, brick by pathetic brick, every aspiration you’ve ever had now rotting in the mortar.

I am the architect and the prisoner,
A mason of my own demise.
Each wall I build is a lie,
Each path I walk is a spiral into nothing.
I once thought I’d escape,
But now I see—
The maze was never meant to be solved,
Only suffered.

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