Discussion The Mindfulness of Art (Anti-Consoomer Mindset)

Anti-Cosmic Satanist
Feb 27, 2024
Nietzsche often wrote about the Last Man in opposition to his ideal of the Overman.

The Last Man represents the ultimate outcome of a society that has embraced a herd mentality, valuing comfort, security, and conformity above all else. The Last Man is characterized by a lack of ambition, creativity, and desire for individual greatness.

The Last Man would basically be a consoomer, all he would do is mindlessly listen to music, play vidya, watch films or anime or TV, look at p*rn or erotica... etc.

I'm not saying there is zero artistic value in those forms... quite the contrary. But you can never recognize and actualize them as a consoomer.

Art should not be used as a proxy for your own subjective archetypal experience, rather it should be used as a means to explore ideas and thoughts.

Nietzsche believed that we all ought to live our lives as though they were works of art themselves, not live through others creations. With this in mind it's best that we are mindful of our true intentions in enjoying art. It's not shallow entertainment, it's meant to obsess you...
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