Discussion How importantion is meditation for a whitepiller?

Be As You Are
Oct 7, 2024
Throughout the time I have been meditating I have had very interesting experiences, for example, in a moment of crisis due to my health problems I was feeling quite bad and didn't know what to do. I remember that this song was playing in the background. At that moment, the only thing I did was to close my eyes and start concentrating on my breath. After a while I started to feel what I would call a 'deep compassion and understanding for all people'. I felt that I should not harbor feelings of hatred towards anybody because no one chooses to be the way they are, but that we are influenced by factors external to us that make us act the way we do, in short, why hate someone else for something they did if after all they are not completely free in the sense of free will? We are all subjected and probably determined to act in certain ways after all. Other experiences include feeling electricity throughout my body, as well as a state of complete emptiness; I did not feel, I did not hear, I had completely lost all sensory perception.

As for self-mastery and self-knowledge, I've become more aware of my thoughts and emotions. I've gained insight into the reasons behind my actions and what drives my feelings. Often, answers to personal questions come to me later, though not typically during meditation. I’ve also begun to understand certain aspects of my shadow, in Jungian terms, recognizing cynical, manipulative, and egoistical tendencies within myself. Still, I believe meditation aids the incubation process in problem-solving, allowing the unconscious mind to work on consciously posed questions. This often leads to those 'Eureka!' moments when a solution seems to materialize effortlessly after a long struggle and that's why it is so useful to know everything there is to know about yourself.
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