Discussion I don't understand why men would want to change themselves to get a gf

Otaku Culture
Dec 25, 2024
It's in the long past boyo
hunt them down then bully them
Normies just don't like autistic quirks: they hate the bluntness, they hate the difference in thought, and they hate the mannerism. They will virtue signal for every other group but they will put you down for things you can't help, they are very fake people sadly the majority of people (normies) so you gotta adapt to be around them and to watch your mannerisms and tounge, it will never work other way around and autistic acceptance is kinda a meme.
Normies will always be subhuman to me. "Blacks good but autists bad"
Weatherman & Degenerate Wrangler
Oct 6, 2024
Normies will always be subhuman to me. "Blacks good but autists bad"
Most autists are white so due to that they are a socially acceptable minority to hate on, same happens to gypsies that are white presenting as only when the person is brown are people scared to discriminate against them.
So far there's no one here