"Reality Is Just a Failed Suicide Attempt Pretending to Be Stable"

General Adolf SergeantAutist Mayweather Khan
Staff member
Mar 2, 2024
Reality isn’t here. It’s barely holding on, like a badly tied knot trying not to slip. We’re the leftovers of a universe that couldn’t quite pull the plug, a half-dead thing, still gasping for breath, afraid to collapse but too broken to keep standing. Every breath you take? Unnecessary. Every thought you have? Rotting before it finishes forming. We’re just maggots, feeding on the remains, playing our roles in the grand charade. Everything you see, everything you think you know? It’s all the byproduct of failure. Like a fucking mental vomit we’ve been tricked into swallowing again and again. There’s no structure here, no grand plan—just a bad decision that never got undone. Reality is a glitched-out loop, running on empty, pretending it’s stable while the cracks split open behind your eyes. You feel them, don’t you? Those gaps in the thought process, those voids where logic should live? Yeah, those are the scars left by a botched reality. You’re not living in it, you’re just a part of it—a cog in a machine that’s been rusting since the moment it failed to blow itself apart. You think you’re here, but really, you’re just echoing what could’ve been, repeating a dead cycle, caught in the leftovers of a universe too weak to kill itself. And now, it’s too late to fix it. We rot, because reality couldn't.
Know yourself to know the world.
Oct 7, 2024
Reality isn’t here. It’s barely holding on, like a badly tied knot trying not to slip. We’re the leftovers of a universe that couldn’t quite pull the plug, a half-dead thing, still gasping for breath, afraid to collapse but too broken to keep standing. Every breath you take? Unnecessary. Every thought you have? Rotting before it finishes forming. We’re just maggots, feeding on the remains, playing our roles in the grand charade. Everything you see, everything you think you know? It’s all the byproduct of failure. Like a fucking mental vomit we’ve been tricked into swallowing again and again. There’s no structure here, no grand plan—just a bad decision that never got undone. Reality is a glitched-out loop, running on empty, pretending it’s stable while the cracks split open behind your eyes. You feel them, don’t you? Those gaps in the thought process, those voids where logic should live? Yeah, those are the scars left by a botched reality. You’re not living in it, you’re just a part of it—a cog in a machine that’s been rusting since the moment it failed to blow itself apart. You think you’re here, but really, you’re just echoing what could’ve been, repeating a dead cycle, caught in the leftovers of a universe too weak to kill itself. And now, it’s too late to fix it. We rot, because reality couldn't.
Have you ever read Mainländer? Thi is kinda similar to what he preaches in his 'The Philosophy of Redemption'.

The rotting God - Mainländers Metaphysic of Entropy​

On the Origin of the World

It might be surprising to some, but there actually is a god in Mainländers philosophy. Or to be more precise, there was a god. Before our universe was born, the only thing that existed was the basic unity*, a being in a state that can only be described by negations: It was not bound to time or space or matter. It existed in a transcendental world that has nothing to with the laws of physics or anything else that we know from our world. All we can say about the basic unity, is that is has been and is no longer, it vanished with the birth of our universe, which is the only miracle that ever happened. Everything that happened after that miracle, the very second the universe was born, is our world where our laws of physics make sense. After defining the basic unity as a being that is absolutely different from us and is furthermore the cause of the birth of our entire universe, we can now give that being the name it deserves: God. But we can not try to describe this God any further, because that would mean leaving our reality, projecting logics that only make sense in our world, into another world. The only thing we know is that the basic unity must have been killing itself, because it was the only thing existing before the universe and therefore it couldn't have been killed by anything else, because there wasn't anything that could have killed it. Therefore the universe, as we know it, was born through the suicide of God. God decided that he can't bear his existence anymore and that he wishes to turn into Nothingness. But he was not able to reach that goal without thereby creating our world, because the path from his over-being** to Nothingness required a transition, which is being as we know it, our universe. This entire world is therefore nothing more than God's "body", that is in all its components rotting into nothingness now.
So far there's no one here