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"Why?! Why dear men?! Why to love an ungrateful and unsensitive bitch out there when you can love yourself?! Why?! Why dear men?! Why to give the world to some ungrateful and unsensitive bitch out there when you could give the world to yourself?!"
Even if you're chad
, I ask the same question: Why to love an ungrateful and unsensitive bitch out there when you can love yourself?
We spend all of our lives searching for people who will love us, but guess what? We are not looking for someone to love; we are looking for someone to be loved by, but here comes the catch: since we are so full of self-hate and anger directed towards ourselves because of our circumstances or whatever, we are so hurt by the world of the ego or The Blackpill, that we are looking for somebody who will love those parts of us that we hate. What if you completely hate yourself? Well, that's the perfect recipe to destroy the one could ever get to love you back, and I'm not here taking about those self-absorbed-self-interested bitches who will love some incels
because for what they provide (youtuber Never Give Up). Poor guy, the world of the ego has hit him harder than anyone else probably
. Let's pray brothers for our brother! Oh! Dear Blackpill Saint Hamudi
! Help this poor soul see the way of the Blackpill so that his suffering shall be lesser by your teachings.
Well, going back to the main point. What if a woman ever sees behind her own ego and starts loving your soul? You will fucking destroy her motherfucker! You're so full of self-hate that once she shows you that she can really love you in a way you never expected
, you will start hating her back because her loving what you hate of yourself will hurt your ego. Your ego wants to attach itself to hate and anger because it is easier than simply loving, forgiving, and being compassionate with yourself. How simple it is to simply truly love, forgive, and be compassionate with yourself right
? NO
! It isn't, because if it was then there would no be depressed incels, and what's more, depression wouldn't probably even exist in this world. Thus I dearly ask you brother: Is not the weight of existence enough for you? Was not being born and being given lots of fucking problems—even when you didn't ask for them—enough for you? Then tell me brother, fucking tell me
! Why to suffer
?! Was not dealing with the fucking Blackpill firsthand enough for you, that now you need to carry even more anger that will be repressed, and consequently will give you depression which will make you suffer even more
?! What are you gonna do? Rope
? Do you even know how much fucking courage you need to even commit to it
?! The fucking courage you didn't have to live in spite of your horrible circumstances motherfucker; just as other incels do
. Do learn from them, and that's why it is so important for incels to connect in real life too, not just in the internet
. Furthermore, do you even know how fucking horrible it can be roping if you're already an over-sensitive aspie? Fucking hell
. There's not shame in dying by suicide or living, they are both sides of the same coin; one I cannot even describe yet.
And now, what you gonna do? Will you go ER
on innocent people right? To project your hate to the world who was first projected to you first by the ego of other people, proceeding to leave the fucking INCEL
community worst than it already is, giving those frustrated motherfuckers of IT
more hate-fuel—but more important—now you are giving more reasons to so(y
)ciety to keep hating you. Do you all see how hate and anger just create more hate and anger? The most perfect recipe for simulateneous self-destruction! Congratulations! Now you hate the world and yourself even more. Do you really want this? Do you want more pain?
The Importance of remaining blackpilled as you travel the road towards enlightment
Guys, this is why no matter how fucking whitepilled
or shit you are, you must always remain blackpilled
! You are not enlightened yet! Just because you experienced a lot of "pleasure chemicals" within your mind by meditating, it doesn't mean your're Buddha
or something similar. See things for what they are: those things are nothing more than "pleasure chemicals" not different from "pain chemicals"; both sides of the same coin.
You're still prone to suffer due to The Blackpill as much as your ego wants to; you are not enlightened yet. Keep that always in mind.
This is you under the delusion of having "overcome" the Blackpill under a Whitepill delusion
You have not transcended any of all of the dualities there exists on this reality; enlightened beings are the ones who transcend all sort of dualities. The Blackpill and The Whitepill, both are part of the same thing, they form a duality
, and so the only way to transcend it is by seeing their interconectedness. Full and deep understanding of what they both encompass. Complete integration and conscious integration of them. It is the middle way, the one who takes you to everlasting peace and ecuanimity.
Finally, there will come a time when you transcend both of them. (You) (are) The enlightened one! Congratulations! (You are now) Free of hate and delusion
We spend all of our lives searching for people who will love us, but guess what? We are not looking for someone to love; we are looking for someone to be loved by, but here comes the catch: since we are so full of self-hate and anger directed towards ourselves because of our circumstances or whatever, we are so hurt by the world of the ego or The Blackpill, that we are looking for somebody who will love those parts of us that we hate. What if you completely hate yourself? Well, that's the perfect recipe to destroy the one could ever get to love you back, and I'm not here taking about those self-absorbed-self-interested bitches who will love some incels
Well, going back to the main point. What if a woman ever sees behind her own ego and starts loving your soul? You will fucking destroy her motherfucker! You're so full of self-hate that once she shows you that she can really love you in a way you never expected
And now, what you gonna do? Will you go ER
The Importance of remaining blackpilled as you travel the road towards enlightment
Guys, this is why no matter how fucking whitepilled
You're still prone to suffer due to The Blackpill as much as your ego wants to; you are not enlightened yet. Keep that always in mind.

You have not transcended any of all of the dualities there exists on this reality; enlightened beings are the ones who transcend all sort of dualities. The Blackpill and The Whitepill, both are part of the same thing, they form a duality
Finally, there will come a time when you transcend both of them. (You) (are) The enlightened one! Congratulations! (You are now) Free of hate and delusion
How do I love myself?
You need to start slow. You have been hating yourself all your life? Why do you hope to start loving yourself so fast? The keys of self-love: forgive and be compassionate towards yourself. Compassion towards everyone and yourself; to see how we are all deluded by the ego
, the one developed through a harsh evolutionary past. A thing not necessary anymore. Something responsible for so much suffering and pain towards all living beings. The one who keeps the cycle running, the everlasting Will that wants to grasp life with eveythings it has, it rages inside; this force wants to consume it all, not noticing how it ends up consuming itself, the architect of its own self-destruction.
Connect with people who resonate with you no matter who they are, where they are, no matter how, but connect with them.
Let your heartand mind
lead you to those who are truly worthwhile.
Go towards those things that your heartand mind
have always wanted to go.
Why is it necessary to write a book on self-love?
To masturbate our ego into thinking we are doing something important.
From you to you: